Chapter Five

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Present day

Amber's phone had been ringing for the last few minutes with no response. It was sunrise in Florida. but with her ear plugs in she could not hear a thing. She had slept like this for five years, ear plugs in, trying desperately to keep the sound, and the nightmares out, when she slept. Amber couldn't bear noise in her apartment, it was a harsh reminder of the commotion from the worst night of her life, thousands of people all talking around her, and at her. There were interviews after interviews with police, and the media.

She was currently sleeping soundly in her open planned apartment, laying beside last night's conquest, Marie. Skin on skin they were entwined in each other's limbs. It was this that had Amber out every weekend at clubs and bars. She craved the feeling of being with someone and waking up feeling the body next to hers. Amber didn't like to see the same girl twice, never slept with a girl more than once, and she especially never had girls to her apartment. Just incase they went all stalker on her. It had happened once. That was a rule for all girls, all girls other than Marie. She had made it her mission in life to break Amber's rules, one by one.

Marie leant over and kissed Amber on her lips to wake her, her eyes opened slowly, and she wiped away the sleep with her hands. She removed the ear buds, placing them on her nightstand beside her, before she stretched her arms out in front of herself and yawned.

"Your phones been buzzing for the last five minutes. Get it will you" Marie asked, turning back over.

Her naked back was too much of a distraction for Amber. She slowly slid over the sheets to Marie, and reached her arm around her waist, pulling her back to face her. She softly kissed Marie's lips. Marie didn't hesitate, she responded eagerly. Amber lowered her body onto hers, an electric pulse ran through her at the warmth of her body. She traced the curves of Marie's naked torso beneath her with the palm of her hand. Marie's body responded to her touch like a lit match to paper as her body found its rhythm beneath her.

Marie was Amber's type, dark hair, olive skin tone, sexy and confident. Marie was by far Amber's favourite 'friend'. She didn't know why Marie was suddenly staying over more than once a week or even how it happened, but somewhere over the last year of seeing her she had let her. Maybe after four years of random girls it was starting to feel nice to have something, and someone, that was a regular thing. She even found herself having dinner with her, but no matter how Marie would offer herself up to her, she still couldn't commit herself. Despite knowing deep down she wanted someone, Amber just couldn't make herself love again, not when Sydney was still very much haunting her heart.

The side table to the bed began to vibrate again. Amber broke away from the kiss.

"Oh, you were serious about the phone huh?"

Amber sat up, slid her legs off of the bed and walked around to the table opposite. Her phone was doing an angry dance across the dark wood.

Amber Rose Beaton wasn't just a catch, she was the catch. She was beautiful, five foot six and petite with long lightly curled caramel locks down to the backs of her shoulder blades. Her pert bottom was a feature admired by many, but what she was known for, were her amazing arm sleeves.

Amber had found herself suddenly thrust into the spotlight over eight years ago, and now with a lot of work she had been given the title of 'famous' tattoo artist. Amber would often appear at lesbian events in the Florida and California clubs as not only a somewhat D rated celebrity but as a guest DJ, her second passion. To Amber the clubs were a place that she always managed to find company. To Marie, these were the dreaded nights Amber found new friends to take home and play with. Marie loved Amber, but she knew the score from day one, this girl was not looking for love, but she couldn't help fall in love with her all the same. Marie wasn't innocent by any means, she had other girls she slept with too, but the nights with Amber had her chasing love down like a fool.

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