Chapter Six

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Present day

"I'm sorry, but you have the wrong person"

"Syd it's me, Amber"

"I'm so sorry but you're wrong. I'm really sorry"

"I'm not wrong. I saw your picture, your green eyes, and the tattoo on your wrist"

I looked down at my wrist, the words Honey Bea was small but visible, but only if you were looking. Carol shifted by the bathroom sink, looking directly at me, and then she looked away to avoid my eye contact.

"I put that there... don't you remember?! on our fifth date? You told me you wanted to marry me and I told you to prove it so you took my hand, you walked us straight down the stairs into my studio and had me write that there on your wrist."

"I don't remember... because that wasn't me"

I rejected the call with a hard stab at the red phone icon and handed it to Carol before walking straight out of the restroom.

Carol came running after me but couldn't catch up.

She shouted after me to get my attention. "Please please you must listen honey. You are a missing person"

I was nearly back to James who was stood holding Bea in one arm, with his spare hand wrapped around Clarks. She was stood beside him, getting restless as kids did. James was chatting to Carol's husband, Alan, he and Alan looked at me as I stopped mid stride, his eyes full of questions. Clark jumped up and down at my appearance with excitement, happy that we can carry on into the park, and Beas face lit up with a gummy toothy smile.

I couldn't believe this woman was making this scene in front of my children. I turned back to Carol, anger filling every void in me, spilling out like a volcano about to erupt, and then right there in Disneyland Paris...I exploded. Out roared the lioness in me protecting her cubs.

"Listen lady, I am not a missing person. I am married. I am a mother. I am happy. I am not missing. Leave me alone or I'll get security"

"I know, I see that honey, but you need to believe me! Please, just give me some sort of way to contact you, where do you live?"

I laughed out of frustration. "I'm not telling you that. You're crazy"

Carol deflated, and upset she marched straight up to me, her arms reached out motherly and protective. I didn't like it.

"Let go of me" I cried, pushing her hands off of me "I'm sorry I upset you, really, but I'm not Sydney. I'm Samantha, Samantha Grant, a Wife and Mom from Colorado, that's all you need to know"

I left her stood there, and walked up to James. I picked Clark up from beside him and nodded for him to follow me.

James shook Alan's hand and waved to Carol saying. "Sorry"

As soon as we had got far enough away from the couple I sat down at a picnic area. I brought Clark down onto my lap, whilst James placed Bea down on the blanket that he had instinctively placed down.

"Are you okay Momma?" Clark asked. Her hazel eyes, they took me in, assessing the situation.

"I'm okay baby" I said softly, soothing her brow with my fingers "Momma just got upset with the lady but I'm okay now"

Clarks little features screwed up in response as she pondered over my words. "Okay. Can I go play on the slide?"

I smiled at her excitement, and glanced over, checking the play area out beside us. "Sure, go for it baby" I said, tapping her nose gently. She stood up and raced over to the slide while both James and I turned ourselves on the blanket to face her.

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