Chapter Twenty Four

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Amber pulled away from the kiss, having to force its end as Marie tried to hold her there longer.

Marie bit down on the flesh of Ambers bottom lip as she parted from her. A defiant act.

"Ouch" Amber replied, raising her fingers to her lips.

"Here" Marie suggested, handing Amber a vodka and soda "take this, it will sooth the pain"

"I think I'm going to need something stronger" Amber replied, ushering the bar tender over with her finger.

"Can we get a row of shots please" She asked, pointing to the brightly coloured bottles of spirits.

"Sure, coming up" He returned, placing out ten glasses and filling them with red and blue liquids.

Marie put her hand on Amber's thigh. "That was a surprise" She mused, teasingly licking her lips.

"You were goading me with that guy" Amber accused "I know you Marie"

"So what if I was. You didn't have to react" She said, downing her first shot and coughing at the heat in her throat. "Shit that's good" she said, slamming it down and passing Amber the next one.

Amber took it from her, and downed it in one. Her nose wrinkled up in reaction to the fire in her mouth. "Holy mother" She cursed, looking at Marie who was already laughing and taking pictures on her cell phone.

"Hey stop" Amber protested, grabbing the phone from Marie's hands "that's not attractive" she told her, placing the phone down on the bar.

"So, why did you say you were my date" Marie continued to prod with questions, downing shot number three. Her eyes began to glaze over a little with the alcohol in her system.

Amber reached down and picked up her second shot. "I'm not sure. I shouldn't have. I'm sorry. I just didn't like the way he was pawing at you like you were a piece of meat"

Marie slammed her empty glass down. "Well I'll be damned, Amber Rose Beaton has feelings"

Amber smiled, downing shot number three and four, and clinking her glass together with Marie's in a toast. "Here's to fucked up relationships, and fucked up feelings"

Marie clinked the glasses together once more "Here's to finally meeting Amber Rose Beaton's jealous side, hoorah"

"You suck" Amber replied jokingly.

As the hours passed, and Sydney didn't show up, Amber had the shots keep coming until it was clear she had lost her ability to keep her guard up. Marie had her wish. Amber was hers, willingly. Amber fell into the lobby with Marie, both were clinging to the other, and they were trying to stand up but failing as they laughed at their attempts. They were causing such a commotion, and were so obviously out of it, that a member of staff helped them into an elevator.

Amber held out ten dollars and stuffed it into his hand. "Thank you Jeeves"

Marie pushed Amber in, in a rugby type tackle, straight into the mirror, her hands roaming over Amber's body like she was to be devoured.

The elevator doors stayed open. Marie's bag had fallen into the way keeping the doors ajar. Neither noticed as Marie lifted up Amber's shirt, her mouth moving slowly down her stomach. People in the lobby stopped and looked on horrified, some seemingly aroused.

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