Chapter Twenty Seven

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Marie pushed open the hotel door, helping Amber make it to the bed. She watched as she slipped down from her arms onto the sheets. She was absolutely out of it. Marie had to find Sydney. She couldn't risk this meeting between them after all, and she could tell that she had recognised Amber in the elevator. She had to get them out of here somehow or get Sydney to leave. She helped unbutton Amber's silk shirt and pulled it off of her arms. She did the same with her trousers, until she was left in only her black underwear. Marie looked down at her body, perfection. She covered her with the sheets and headed back out of the room, and down the hallway to the lobby.

She didn't know where to start, she checked the bar and the restaurant before sitting down in the lobby unaware of where to go next. As if by magic she caught sight of Sydney heading through the lobby with a sleepy baby on her hip. She went to the front desk and conversed with the receptionist about heating a bottle. Marie stood, and as Sydney turned to walk away she caught her by the arm.

"Hello again" She greeted, staring into Sydney's eyes.

The look of a lioness ready to protect her cub erupted inside of Sydneys gaze.

Marie put her hands up in surrender "Hey listen I'm not here to cause a problem"

"Then move aside" Sam ordered, trying to move around her.

"Wait, please Sam" Marie pleaded more warmly,

"I don't want to know" Sam replied.

"It's Amber" Marie told her.

"Who?" Sam asked with confusion on her face.

"Your wife" Marie informed her bluntly.

"How did you find us?" Sam asked desperately.

"The nosey old couple from Disney" Marie replied.

"I knew it" Sam said, cradling Beas head. "I won't go back with you. I'm not going to jail for what happened. It wasn't me"

Marie raised an eyebrow. This was news to her. Sam thought she was in trouble.

"I have to get back to my room with Bea. My husband's waiting"

"Bea huh?" Marie responded, looking down at the sleeping baby. "Since you have the kid and all that I'll do you a favour. I won't tell Amber you are here. I'll tell her you left, this way you don't go back to jail and Bea here gets to keep her Mom"

"What's in it for you?" Sam questioned.

"Amber... I get Amber" Marie told her, completely satisfied with that thought.

"You promise you won't tell her" Sam asked.

"I promise" Marie told her, doing the sign of the cross over her body "on my life. Go on, go lead your life you won't hear from us again. We will be gone by tomorrow afternoon"

Sam practically ran to the elevator at the relief of Marie's words.

Marie sat down, briefly laying her head in her hands. "I can't believe I just did that" she whispered to herself "but they can't meet...and they wont"

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