Chapter Twenty Six

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"That can't be. She's..." I muttered under my breath as James reached me.

"What can't be?!" He asked with concern.

I swung around. "Nothing. Let's get going"

"Are you okay" he asked.

"I'm fine" I lied, walking into the empty elevator beside us.

The girl in the locket... I'd recognise her anywhere. Panic claimed my heart in that moment, and it beat wildly against my chest.

James pressed the button and the elevator jumped to life, reaching the third floor within seconds. He scooped me up so quickly I hadn't even had time to react. "It's our honeymoon night my beautiful wife. I will walk you over the threshold"

I squirmed in his arms "James, please put me down"

"I'll put you down on the bed" He told me,  practically running to the door and balancing me on one hip as he tried the card key in the door.

The door flew open and the night nanny smiled at the sight of us from above the book she was reading in the chair. "The children were fine Mr and Mrs Grant. Bea woke up an hour ago but is back asleep and Clark has slept through so far"

James smiled, and I hid my face in his chest, turning red with embarrassment. "Oh of course. Thank you so much Rita" He said, swinging me round slightly so she could squeeze past us and leave the room.

As the door clicked shut we both laughed at the poor girls reaction, and what she must be thinking of us.

James gently put me onto the bed. He began to strip off his shirt and his trousers as quick as he could. I laughed as he got caught in a trouser leg and fell over.

"Come here" He asked, standing back up.

I stood up, beside him. The backs of my legs pressed into the mattress. He reached down and turned me around, bending me over the bed.

"James stop" I asked quietly. I felt a brush of his stubble as he kissed my neck, one hand pulling down the zip of my dress, and the other fondling my breasts.

"Oh baby you feel so good" He breathed more rapidly against my neck.

I don't know why I couldn't get into this, it was killing me. My body didn't even react to his touch anymore. If I was being honest with myself, it hadn't reacted to his body since the dream I had in the hospital. Something changed inside of me, and I couldn't place it. I wanted so bad to be that girl he had first fallen for but it wasn't in me.

He pulled my dress from me, his hands clumsy and fast, feeling up my body like a desperate horny virgin. I felt rushed. He turned me over to face him, his body was heavy on top of my small frame. I made all the right sounds as he invaded my body. I didn't want to have sex with him, but I wished I did all at the same time. I wanted to want him, so badly it hurt me. It would break his heart if he knew how numb I had come to his touch. I lay there, shut my eyes and let my thoughts wonder. She was there as if on cue , leaning into me with that kiss. I hadn't ever had this happen before when I was with James. I had never thought of anyone else while we were intimate. To my surprise as I tried to push her away from my thoughts I felt my body react in a way I wouldn't have imagined. I felt myself opening up to him and letting him take me like he wanted. I felt my body moving against him hard and fast, instinctively, with thoughts of her. I didn't know what this was but it felt good, and James couldn't stop. After five minutes James toppled off of me. My body exposed and breathing heavily, my eyes still shut, seeing someone entirely different to James. He shook me. My eyes flicked open back to him.

"What the hell was that" He asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, pulling the sheet over my naked body.

"You were insatiable. It was amazing"

I felt like I had cheated on him. I felt sick. I jumped up and went to the bathroom to shower. Warm tears washed away with the water down my body. She was here, the girl in the locket was here. She must have been tipped off by the lady at the theme park. I didn't know what to do next. I had to get out of the room.

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