Chapter Twenty One

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Marie sat at the mirror in her hotel room, slowly applying her red lipstick and making last minute adjustments to her outfit, a black dress and heels. They had spent all day knocking doors, but to no avail, Sydney had still not been found. Marie was aware it would happen sooner or later but she hoped not tonight. She planned to get Amber very drunk and take advantage of the fact her wall would be down, and her decisions not so favourable to her current sober ones. She was desperate to slip back into Ambers affection.

Amber opened the bathroom door and walked out in her freshly changed outfit. She was so damn alluring that Marie couldn't bear it sometimes.

"You look gorgeous" Marie observed in her husky Spanish accent.

"Thanks, you don't look bad yourself" Amber replied, grabbing her black fitted jacket from the bed and pulling it over her shoulders. She had on a black pair of tight jeans, boots and a satin blue shirt, opened to just above her cleavage. She smelt amazing. Her hair was styled in wavy curls that sat just below her shoulder blades.

"Are you ready to go down to the bar" Amber asked.

"I'm more than ready. If we are going to just sit down there and wait for her like a sting operation we may as well get wasted doing it" Marie stood up and adjusted her dress over her breasts.

Amber walked to the door and held it open as Marie passed her into the hall. They walked to the elevator and made their way down to the lobby. It was quiet tonight, most people chose to go out into the city for dinner, or perhaps they were not back yet from their days out. They moved through to the bar, many an eye landing on them as they approached the bar. Two guys appeared beside them within two minutes of ordering.

The first took an interest in Marie, and whispered into her ear. Amber paid the bartender enough to keep the drinks coming for the entire evening. She turned to the guy beside her.

"Can I help you?" She asked, with no care for a response as her eyes scanned the room for Sydney.

"I'm sorry to butt in. I wondered if we could buy you ladies a drink" he asked.

Amber grimaced inside. He was tall, broad, with a dark black beard and his gut was currently poking from the hole in his shirt at the spot above his belt. By the smell of his breath it was clear they had been drinking for a while.

Marie was flirting with the first guy, he was leering over her, enjoying the view down her dress. Amber saw red and nudged him aside.

"Hey blondie" he argued "you mind?! I'm in the middle of something"

"You, are in the middle of chatting up my date" Amber returned, irked.

The guy laughed and ignored her, going back to chatting up Marie again. Marie was enjoying seeing the jealousy rise up in Amber, and so she carried it on.

"I'm sorry" The other guy said, eyeing Amber up.

Amber took her jacket off and draped it over the back of her chair. She stood, ignoring his friends attempts at coming onto her. She tapped the guy on the shoulder as he whispered into Marie's ear further.

Marie giggled at what he was saying. He turned at the sensation of Ambers hand on his shoulder, and as he did so she slid past and took Marie's hand, lifted her onto her feet and pulled her tightly to her body, kissing her so hard that Marie felt dizzy, before she was released only a moment later.

"Whoa" The guys cheered, before backing away to get a better look.

Marie held Ambers face in her hands, not letting her go, and she smiled as she once again pressed her lips to Ambers. Marie's game had worked. Amber had made her move, and Marie had got her wish.

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