Chapter Twenty

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Five years ago

"Honey I'm home" Amber shouted as she shut the front door.

"Up here" I shouted back, with a huge smile on my face. I quickly hid all the magazines and papers in my bedside drawer.

I heard her run up the stairs. I hadn't seen her in twelve hours. It didn't matter how many years passed I always missed her terribly by the end of a long day at work.

She rounded the corner into the bedroom.

"Uff, why are you always so darn sexy?" I said as I observed her in the door way "Jumping your bones is starting become a full time occupation. I'm doing that more than I'm working" I mumbled.

Amber tossed her bag to the floor, and pulled her black vest over her head, dunking it into the basketball hoop on the wall.

"If this is a full time occupation...then that means I'm your boss, therefore I am upping your hours"

"You need to pay me more" I replied.

"How will you accept payment?" Amber asked, getting onto the bed on all fours.

"No cash, just cold, hard . . ." I pulled Amber on top of me, unclipped her bra and chucked it on the floor.

"Cold hard what?" She whispered into my ear.

I felt butterflies coursing through my stomach.

"Art supplies" I added with a grin.

"Done" She agreed, pulling off the only thing I was wearing, my oversized t shirt. She took off my glasses with her teeth and chucked them aside.


We laid panting as we tried to catch our breath. Our naked bodies lying in a hot sticky mess, entangled in both fair, dark hair, and one another limbs. I laid my head on her chest. She stroked my forehead gently as she always did.

I jumped up remembering my news, flipping onto my stomach I glanced at her with a playful look in my eyes.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothing" I replied.

"Syd, you are the worst liar, what is it?"

I jumped off of the bed and threw back on my T-shirt. I rifled back through the drawers and pulled out the papers I had hidden. I sat next to her placing them in her lap.

"I want to show you something" I explained.

"What is this?" She asked, sitting up and propping up a pillow behind her. Amber flicked through the papers and started to smile. She put them down with one hand and grabbed me onto her lap with the other.

"You want to have a baby with me?" Amber asked, holding back her emotions.

"I do. I've always wanted to be a Mom but never thought about it much since I left school, until I met you"

"I didn't even know you wanted kids" Amber said, looking back at the paperwork.

"Don't you want to?" I asked, concerned now that I had messed up.

She dropped the papers again and held my face in her hands, gently kissing my nose. "I couldn't think of anything more perfect than having a baby with my wife"

"Really?" I squealed.

"Of course" Amber reassured me.

We laid there then, both staring up at the ceiling, smiling.

"I'm imagining a baby girl with your eyes. Oh god your green eyes"

"What would we call her?" I asked, as we both laid there day dreaming out loud.

"I don't know something that means something" Amber suggested.

"I like unisex names mostly. I don't think a really girly name would be my cup of tea"

"I love that idea." Amber replied, excitedly.

"A strong name. Something unusual but strong and of course Drew as a middle name" I said softly.

"Drew? Really?" Amber groaned.

"Of course Drew, she's like a sister to me"

"I think she's a bit of a crazy nut nowadays" Amber replied.

"She's not crazy Honey, she's just going through something. We just have to be there when she gets her shit together. She was always there for me when we were kids"

"I know Syd, but she's not being a friend to you. She's behaving like a jealous three year old, and I can't bear the way she treats you"

"She's upset. She will come around. She will be at the wedding you will see. It's just taking her a while to adjust, she thought we would live together in the apartment forever. You came into my life and things changed so quickly I just don't think she's processed yet how in love and happy we are"

"I'll talk to her" Amber offered.

"No don't, just let her be." I stood up and straightened out the bed sheets. Amber put her clothes back on and helped.

"Shall I call the fertility centre on Monday" I suggested.

"It would be nice to get it started before the wedding" Amber replied.

"I know, I think so too. I just want to get the process started.... it takes ages"

"Okay, let's do it. I want your babies Sydney Presley. Your beautiful babies" Amber put her arms around my waist and inhaled at my neck. "You smell perfect"

"You always say that" I replied affectionately.

"Because you do. I've never smelt that scent you wear, not before you"

"You wouldn't. I make it" I declared amused.

Amber pulled away and turned me around to face her." You make it?"

"Yeah I learnt from my Mom how to mix and make lotions and perfumes, it was her little business. She worked a stall like me and Drew do"

"Syd, we get married in six months and I didn't know you made perfume? That's awful" Amber confessed.

"That's not awful" I laughed. "The rest of our lives wouldn't seem so exciting if we knew everything about each other already. We have a lifetime to find these things out"

"You're way too talented. I feel useless in comparison" Amber confessed.

I kissed her lips gently. "Your talents are endless Amber Rose Beaton. You make permanent art that people carry around their entire life on their body. You do things to me that I never even knew existed. You're like the orgasm fairy" I laughed. "Not to mention the way girls fall at your feet like you're the god damned Queen of Lez" we both burst out laughing.

"That makes you the upcoming Princess of Lez" Amber laughed.

"Oh god they are going to hate me for that" I replied.

"Syd only Drew hates you for that, and that's her issue not yours, everyone else has been amazing about our relationship and marriage. They make fan fiction for god's sake and they don't kill you off in it, now that is a compliment"

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