Chapter Thirty Seven

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Drew had returned Ambers text earlier with Sam's hotel information. She had made out it was just so she could drop her a goodbye note, but truth was she needed to see her. She hadn't planned to ever see her again, but she had to find out if she was starting to remember anything. Sam had recognised Rachel at the diner, and Amber hadn't even mentioned her. Amber was leaving tomorrow and knew herself well enough to know it would haunt her if she didn't at least ask her.

The hotel was a large chain, not the most expensive, but modest and popular. It was large in size and popular with tourists due to its beach front location. Amber parked her Lexus and made her way to the lobby. She had no idea what she would even say to her, and her stomach was tied in knots.

The elevator took her up to the fifth floor and she walked down the corridor looking for Sam's room number. She found it near the end of the row and stopped outside to catch her breath. She knocked lightly, almost pulling back her fist in fear of it even making a sound.

There wasn't any response. Amber turned to walk away, losing her nerve, and she made her way back to the elevator. As she waited she heard voices carry down the corridor, getting closer to her. A man with his two children in a double stroller. The little girl was in a negotiation for ice cream at the beach but her Dad thought the playground would be a better stop as her sister was grouchy.

Amber smiled at the scene as they approached. The baby caught her attention when she realised it was Bea, it was Sam's baby. Amber felt her stomach drop and guts churn.

This was her husband.

She turned quickly to go down the stairs, hoping he wouldn't notice her.

"Hey wait" he called out.

Amber stopped as she reached the door to the stairwell.

"Amber right?" He asked after her.

She took a deep breath and turned back to him.

"Yes" she answered hesitantly.

"Could I spare a moment of your time?" He asked.

"Of course" she replied, following him into the elevator like she was walking to her death.

Amber looked away from him as he watched her closely. The elevator moved swiftly, and he continued to talk with his daughter who had her nose in a guide book. Bea was nodding off.

The elevator opened and he pushed the stroller out into the lobby. "Do you have time to walk with us to the beach? It's only a few minutes down to the ocean"

"Of course" Amber replied, absolutely terrified.

She followed the stroller and the man pushing it until they came to the playground on the sandy beach. He pushed the stroller to the bench inside the play area and unbuckled the little girl who flew off at speed towards the castle that was the play area with slides and swings.

He pulled the sun visor down over the sleeping baby's head and sat down beside her.

"Please sit" he asked.

Amber did as he asked. She sat nervously in his overwhelming presence. He was a handsome man who was tall and bulky in build with large muscly shoulders and arms. He watched the little girl with an eagle eye as she climbed over the castle and moved between other children finding her way to the slide. He didn't utter a word for at least two minutes. Amber was becoming irritated by the silence.

"You were at the hotel" he stated randomly, without moving his gaze from the girl.

"Yes" Amber replied nervously, placing her hands under her thighs.

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