Chapter Nineteen

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Present day

I got back to the hotel room just in time to find Clark pulling on her Star Wars T shirt and pink shorts. James had introduced her to the franchise in the spring, and Clark now had a fascination for all things Star Wars. She wanted to be a Jedi just like Rey, and I was quite content with her choice of idol. James was in his element.

"Hey Mama" she greeted, as I pushed through the door and set down my bag.

"Hey Clarky girl" I said, kissing her forehead.

James was getting dressed to head out too. Bea was sat in the middle of the king size bed, half dressed in her new pink dungarees. Her chubby little thighs were protruding from the bottoms like an octopus. She started to squeal when she caught my eye.

"Mmmm" she chanted in her babble as she reached for me.

"Hang on a minute squirt" James said, pinning her down to button up her outfit over her diaper.

I went over to the closet and stripped off my clothes quickly, grabbing my green shorts and white T shirt to wear for the day. I chucked my bikini in the bath tub.

"Hey you got dressed too quick. I completely missed the show" James observed, placing Bea down on the floor where Clark was now playing with her toys that she got bought yesterday.

He walked over to the bathroom and kissed my neck as I put my makeup on in the mirror. I could see Bea crawling at speed towards us leaving a trail of destruction for poor Clark to clear up behind her. "Bea you can't play with me anymore" she declared angrily.

"Ooh watch out, here comes our little rocket" I warned.

We both looked at Bea and laughed. Her crawling was the equivalent of a Ferrari. She got to my legs and stood herself up, holding onto my thighs for support.

"Mmmama" She said her green eyes pleading to be picked up.

"Bea give your Mama some space" James mocked.

I reached down and picked her up in my arms, her head instinctively nestled into my neck pushing James aside.

"Okay Hon, this kid has it in for me, is this normal?"

I pushed him aside and walked with Bea to the window to check out the weather.

"James, she's a baby, of course she's not. Babies need their Mommies"

"I didn't know it would be like this, that's all" he groaned.

I turned quickly on my heals. "What are you saying?"

"Nothing, I'm just finding it hard Sam. I love you so much. I just want to feel close to you again"

Here we go again.

"Tonight baby I promise" I replied.

He suddenly looked like an over excited school boy who just hit puberty. "Awesome. I'll call the baby sitting service"

I turned my attention back to Bea, listening to his call. She leant back and looked at me, touching my face and smiling as she readjusted my nose and then my hair.

Clark came over with her backpack in hand. "Mama Can I take all of my toys with me today?"

"Sure baby" I said, helping her to zip the backpack over the heads of her four stuffed animals.

"Okay, all done, lets go out" James said as he grabbed the stroller and the baby bag. I grabbed my shades and set them on top of my head so Bea couldn't pull them off of my face, and I held Clarks hand.

James put one hand protectively over my shoulder as we left the room and headed to the Elevator. Bea watched all the passers-by with glee. She was by far the nosiest baby I had ever met. I turned and leant up to kiss James on the cheek. I felt so bad for ignoring him so much.

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