Chapter Twenty Three

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Five years ago

Living in Colorado for the last three months had been life changing. I was finally settled, and nobody had come looking for me. Vinnie had let me not only rent his flat, for little in return, but also run the art shop on week days while he retired fully with his husband.

It was only now, three months in, that I had come to the realisation that I needed an identity to be able to work properly in this country. I needed a social security number, a driver's licence and a passport. I was so limited without it that I could only get my wages in cash, and then I couldn't bank it. My money was stuffed into my mattress like I lived in nineteen thirty five.

I stood in the shop, watching customers mill about, and I awaited Mark to come in for his afternoon shift. I needed him to takeover for me whilst I checked out some places to go to find what I needed. The little bell rang on the door as James entered, he was Marks older brother and a graduate as of last month.

"Hi Sam" He greeted, approaching the till.

"Well of all of the art stores in all of the lands" I mused sarcastically "what can I do for you" I asked, wondering what he had up his sleeve today.

"I just wanted to come by and say I'm sorry for all of the flowers, for the chocolates, and the cards"

"The serenades at three a.m." I cut in.

"Yeah" He agreed sheepishly.

James had been trying to get me to go out with him for the last three months, and it was getting desperate, even I was starting to feel sorry for the guy.

"I won't send anything else. I get it, you don't want to go out with me, and even I know when to give up. I don't know how to impress you. I'm lost. I'm clueless"

"I mean, I wouldn't say clueless, I kind of liked the ice sculpture of my head. It lasted a lot longer than you would think" I poked, as seriously as possible.

He laughed and smiled that goofy smile. He was an attractive guy, he was tall, sandy haired, and broad, with strong muscles. Most of all, James was handsome in a way that he had no idea about. He actually did make me smile.

"Is there anything I can help you with in the store today?!" James asked "Mark isn't well so I'm covering his shift"

I let James in behind the till and removed my apron. "You paid him off to take his shift again didn't you?" I asked with a grin.

James looked shocked. "He told you about that? The little fucker" he cursed, grabbing his cell phone and texting with a fury.

"Don't be hard on him, I thought that was a sweet yet psychotic gesture"

"You did?" he asked, smiling.

"Only you, would take that as a compliment James" I accused, grabbing my bag and checking the map was inside my purse. I shook it out and laid it on the desk in front of the till.

"I was going to ask Mark, but since you have hijacked his shift I'll ask you. Where is that street that the kids go to downtown to get stuff?"

"What stuff?" James asked, confused.

I leant into him and whispered into his ear. "Illegal stuff"

"Winston road" He told me, before looking at me worriedly "why would you want to go there Sam? it's dangerous. Don't be going alone"

"It's for a friend" I lied "she needs something"

"Well what is it?! Maybe I can help?" he asked.

"I doubt it, she needs papers, a passport, and all that sort of stuff"

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