Chapter Eighteen

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Seven years ago

I sat in-front of the mirror, pushing my hair higher before clipping it in a quiff and letting the rest of my dark hair fall down to my shoulders. I saw Drew approach in the mirror behind me.

"You going on another date" she asked "it's like your fifth one this week"

I smiled back at her, putting my earrings into my ears one by one.

"So, who is it that you're dating" Drew continued. "You still haven't told me. Girl if you don't tell me now I'm gona stalk your ass into town and find out... who is he?"

"Drew, firstly calm your ass down. I'm not your wife, and secondly it's not a very presuming of you"

I applied my eye liner, and Drew stared at me in the reflection, her face reddening and her mouth dropped open. "Sydney Presley you're dating a girl?" She moved as fast as Drew ever could, and sat beside me.

"I am" I smiled, confirming the news for the first time.

"You gay" Drew announced loudly and matter of fact.

"Didn't say I was" I retorted.

"Then why are you dating a girl?" Drew asked with confusion etched onto her brow.

"I like her. I like her a lot"

"Listen my little Nie Nie, we have been friends since middle school. I've known you for... forever. I am a gay woman" She said holding her hand to her chest like she was about to burst into the national anthem "and you...are not. You have never once taken an interest in girls. I would know Sugar plum. You dated that guy Alex through high school and I'm pretty sure you would both still be together and married by now with four kids and a white picket fence if he hadn't told you that he was gay"

She was right, I probably would have married Alex, but I didn't. I bent down and put on my black boots.

"Go on then, I'm intrigued, who is she? The manliest looking butch you could find right? Don't tell me it's an ex... if it's an ex of mine I'll kill them"

I looked up from pulling on my boots. "It's not an ex"

"So, who is it? Don't make me tickle it out of you" Drew replied, reaching under my arms.

"Okay" I squealed, pushing Drew's hands away as she tickled my skin until it hurt. "It's a girl called Amber"

"Amber?" Drew mused, sitting up straight. "I don't know any Ambers on the scene. Is she out?"

"Yeah she's out. She's got quite a following at her studio apparently"

"Studio? What is she a recording artist?"

"No, she's a Tattoo artist. God what's with the twenty questions Drew"

I stood and grabbed my jacket.

"Hang on a nano second" Drew announced, finger poised in the air "you're not talking about Amber Rose Beaton?"

"Yeah. How did you know?" I ask.

"She's fucking famous Syd"

"No she's not. She's real down to earth"

"I can't believe you pulled Amber" Drew said stunned and rising to her feet. "The girls are not going to believe this. My straight best friend pulls Amber Rose Beaton without even realising it. Where the hell did you meet her anyway, you never come clubbing with us?"

"At the market, when I was working your shift a couple weeks ago" I reply.

"Sydney, this will have consequences, you can't be trying out your lady loving on Amber Rose Beaton. There's a million other Dykes in town who would gladly take your virginity for you"

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