Chapter Twenty Eight

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I made my way to the elevator as quickly as possible, trying not to wake Bea. As the doors slowly chimed and began to shut I watched Marie watch us leave, she had a smirk on her lips. I wasn't sure what the hell that was about but I was grateful to her for hiding us. When we got off of the elevator I walked as fast as my legs would take me until I was at the hotel room. I slid the card key in the lock and it flashed green. Inside James was snoring loudly. I placed Bea down in the crib and covered her up before laying down on the bed, my heart thumping in my chest. We still had four days left. I wanted to get out of here now.

I fell asleep eventually and was relived on waking that no dreams followed. I woke up at six a.m. feeling exhausted. Clark had jumped into bed with us at around Three. She was currently star fishing in the middle of the queen size bed leaving James and I to hang on to the mattress edge either side. Bea was stirring in her crib. I could see her pushing herself up to a sitting position and peeking through the mesh panel. Her newly toothy grin made me smile as she made eye contact with me. I crawled to the end of the bed and lifted her to her up onto my hip, kissed her forehead and bounced her up and down whilst she giggled.

"" She sung in her sweet little voice.

"Bumble Bea" I cooed back to her.

The next few hours I spent showering with the girls and ordering and eating our room service. I clipped Clark's overhauls on and adjusted her pink and blue tie die t shirt underneath as she polished off the last of her pancakes.

"Thank you Momma" she said with a kiss to my cheek as I bent to pick up Bea and slip her into her new green sun dress and matching hat. Clark jumped down from the table and began to pack her bag for the day.

As James woke I handed Bea over so I could get myself changed.

"Good morning beautiful girls" James said as he winked my away.

"Sam...I love you honey" James said looking over to me like that twenty year old boy who was crushing on me five years ago.

"You too" I said pulling on my denim shorts, green T-shirt and white sneakers. I brushed out my hair and put it up out of the way.

"Where are you going" James asked as he watched me get ready.

"I want to get out of here for the day, take a trip somewhere, you choose"

"Really?" He asked excitedly

"Come on get up lazy bones" I said taking Bea back from him.

"Daddy get up you lazy bone head" Clark shouted with frustration. She had been waiting by the door with her backpack on for ten minutes. That was an hour to a four year old.

I sat and read the girls their favourite book whilst he showered and threw on his clothes.

"I'm ready" He declared finally.

I had to now put my faith in Marie that they would be gone by the end of the day when we got back.


Amber woke with her head feeling like it had been in a vice the night before. Oh god it hurt so badly she couldn't open her eyes at first. She rushed to the toilet and was sick.

"You hold your liquor like a school girl" Marie said as she held Ambers hair out of the way for her.

"I feel awful" Amber said between vomiting. "Don't you?" She asked Marie who was sat looking fresh faced.

"I'm from a long line of alcoholics we hold it just fine" She replied.

"You're such a smart ass" Amber responded grabbing at the towel to wipe her mouth.

She laid her head in Marie's lap next to her. Marie gently wiped her brow.

"I hate you" Amber sarcastically confessed.

"More feelings Amber? Wow you are on quite a roll aren't you"

Amber swiped at her. "Hey we didn't do anything did we?" Amber asked

"Ugh I do not lower myself to drunks. I like a conscious participant."

"That's your entire family out then" Amber said standing now to get some water from the tap.

Marie slapped her on the ass. "No need to get physical" Amber retorted as she gulped back the water.

"Listen Amber...something happened last night while you were out of it"

"Go on" She said stripping off and stepping into the shower.

"We saw Sydney, only you didn't know it was her. I think you were far too intoxicated at this point"

Ambers face fell as the foam from the shampoo in her hair washed away down the plug hole.

She switched the shower off and wrapped a towel around her body.


"She bolted, she recognised you Amber. She's gone"

"What do you mean? She's gone Marie?"

"She left I'm sorry I don't know what else to say"

"Why didn't you stop her? Fuck fuck fuck" Amber shouted as she paced the bathroom.

"I couldn't go and apprehend the woman when she's got a baby in her fucking arms Amber"

Marie realised her mistake.

"A baby?" Amber said sitting down now on the corner of the bed, her hair dripping wet and her face lacking any readable emotion.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to tell you like that" Marie said rushing to her side.

"She's got a baby" Amber repeated quietly.

"She has, she's married with a baby. Amber it changes everything. She's not coming back to you"

"I just need to see her to ask her where she's been"

"You don't need to do that...isn't it obvious?" Marie asked brushing her hair from her eyes.

"Not to me... no" Amber replied getting to her feet.

"The girl wanted a kid, she stayed away, married a dude and bish bash bosh there's a kid"

Amber knew that wasn't true. Marie had no idea they had already planned that together. She grabbed her clothes and chucked on her shoes, she left Marie behind and headed for the front desk.

She rang the bell and the receptionist came out from the back smiling.

"How can I help?" She asked.

"I'm looking for a Sam Grant I know you can't tell me the room number but can you tell me if a Mr and Mrs Grant are still staying at the hotel?"

"I can't tell you that Miss" She replied smiling politely.

"Please it's important I was meant to meet them today and they didn't show. I was hoping to be able to ring up to their room at least"

"I can try that for you but I can't give you the direct line I'm afraid"

"Okay that's fine" Amber shot back

"What shall I say?" She asked.

"A message for Sam Grant to come down to reception at seven p.m. there's something she needs to collect from the reception. It's to surprise her you see" Amber continued as she tried to think fast on her feet.

"I guess I can do that" The receptionist finally gave in.

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