Chapter Ten

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Six years ago

Amber had arranged a trip to Paris as a surprise for Sydney. They had been together only a year but it was merely four dates in that not only Amber realised, but Sydney, that this was something unusual, it felt like home. Amber had organised not just the trip, but for their engagement pictures to be taken there. She knew Sydney had dreamt about this day her entire life. If she had heard it once she had heard it a hundred times how it was always Syd's fantasy she would get engaged at the Eiffel tower, preferably on it. Since Syd had messed up the dream herself by proposing in the first month, a memory she adored, as it was all in the moment, but soon realised she had missed out on her Paris gig, it was now up to Amber to make it happen. Amber still couldn't believe that she would be marrying this amazing awe inspiring girl, and not only that, but to be able to afford to treat her was a blessing. She loved to see her face every time she surprised her. Sydney was so down to earth and pure that she never had bad intentions, and she loved everyone. She had a big heart, and to her, everything was an adventure and a big deal. Sydney was in love with the world around her.

As Amber pulled up in the limo outside of Sydney's Art school, she began to feel butterflies in her stomach, and her heart rose to her throat. She gathered up the bouquet of sun flowers, Sydney's favourite, from between the luggage. She scanned through the crowds to see Sydney, leaving the school for summer.

Her eyes set upon her, and a warm smile spread across her face. Sydney was talking and laughing with a group of other girls. She didn't see Amber swing her legs from the limo and slowly move across the College courtyard. There were a hundred eyes on Amber walking confidently, bouquet in hand. Her caramel hair fell above her waist, a head band of daisies in a crown on her forehead. She was wearing a black T-shirt with a motif of the Eiffel tower cut short above her navel that she had bought especially for today.

Everyone seemed to eye her with curiosity. A few girls recognised her, whether it be from her appearances on TV or some from her talk she had given at this college last spring, on the art of tattooing.

As she approached the group that Sydney was with, they all turned simultaneously to greet Amber. Amber grinned with a shy dash of pink blush on her cheeks as she greeted them "Hi"

They nodded in response. Sydney was to turn around last. Amber looked to her as she did.

Sydney turned to see what everyone was looking at. Her dark hair was pulled to the side entwined in a green scarf at the nape of her neck. She was looking beautiful in a white Gypsy top and skirt. Amber saw her eyes crease into a smile, her full lips rising and her teeth catching her bottom lip in apprehension. Sydney looked to the sun flowers and then to Ambers eyes burning into her with a heat, like a beautiful buttery lava. Amber reached out to her and grabbed her hand. "These are for you" She said, handing her the flowers.

Sydney leant down and closed her eyes as she inhaled the mild scent. Her friends all smiled and moved away letting them have a moment. "What for?" She asked, upbeat and caught off guard by this romantic gesture.

"For nothing, for everything, for you, and for us. Syd you, just you. For making me better by just being here, with me."

"I love you a ridiculous's kinda getting out of hand" Syd confessed, reaching her arms around Amber's neck and kissing her softly." You always surprise me"

Sydney's smile could not be wiped from her face. She loved Amber with a fierceness that even she was scared of at first. Love was not as she had imagined all those years. Love was not a silly and mushy feeling, it wasn't all chocolates and teddy bears. It wasn't something common, it was rare. Love was scary at times, it was being a metal rod in a lightning storm. Once it connected with you it spread through your veins and stopped your heart only for it to beat a new. Love was beautiful, a hybrid, part you, part them, it was not as Sydney had imagined. It was better. It was addictive. Amber made Sydney feel drunk, on her. She could never get enough, never be close enough. She was addicted. Love was addictive. Amber was a drug and Sydney was hooked.

The girls around them all swooned and smiled. Sydney lifted her leg behind her in a perfect leading lady movie star pose as they broke their kiss and looked around them.

Amber laughed and passed Sydney an envelope. "What's this?" she questioned in disbelief that there was more. "You know you have been saying about ideas for our engagement pictures?"

"Yes" Sydney replied quickly, before biting her lips once more.

"Well... I've arranged them"

Sydney squealed and gasped with happiness. "Where?"

"Paris" Amber revealed in excitement.

Sydney grabbed her with both hands and leaned into her neck. She smiled as she breathed in the sweet scent of jasmine and the soft sensual smell of Amber's perfume.

"I love you HB" She whispered into her ear.

Amber grabbed her up and swung her gently "You too baby" she whispered back. She pulled away so she could see her face. She reached up and caught the tear freshly falling from Sydney's eyes. Amber took her chin in her palm and caressed her cheek with her thumb. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just so happy" Syd replied. Amber leaned in and pressed her lips to Sydney's, they parted gently.

Sydney wrapped her arms around Amber's bare waist, her spare hand reaching down and holding Ambers curved bottom inside her shorts. The crowd of girls that were all now walking away, smiled at them. The boys on the campus yard all began to start shouting their way.

"Kiss kiss kiss, touch her boobs"

Amber and Sydney both curved their lips into a smile and broke away from the kiss. Amber reached up her hand and raised a finger at the boys.

"Get lost" She called back, as they walked confidently away from the crowd that had formed and into the limo awaiting them.

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