Chapter Thirty Two

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I gently rocked Bea to sleep, her little mouth falling open, and her bunny releasing slowly from her grip. I bent down slowly and laid her in the bed beside Clark. Luckily she didn't wake as her head hit the pillow, she usually did without fail.

I walked back down the hall, picking up the home phone before sitting down in the living room on the sofa. I had to call Drew back.

"Yo" came her voice down the line.

"Hi, it's me again" I greeted.

"So, will you come to town?" Drew asked abruptly.

"I'm not sure what to do for the best, but I do know what I need to do...I need to come and I need to see her. I need to see Amber"

"Listen babe" Drew began "I've just spoken with her and she can't help you. She's trying to move on, and that doesn't involve seeing Sydney anymore. You know? How you look like her but you're not her?'s a mind fuck she can do without. I will be here though and I will help you in any way I can. I can't wait to show you around all our old haunts. She may find it hard to be around you, but I just know I don't care. I just want to see you again"

I thought about that for a moment and wondered if I should stop poking the hornets' nest and leave them all to a life without me. I couldn't do that though, not now that Sydney was seeping back into my identity. I would see Amber even if she didn't want to, because she had no idea what I had to tell her and it couldn't wait any longer.

"I will get a flight tomorrow morning. I just have to check with the girl's Dad that it's okay. It's his weekend with the girls you see, so I need to check he doesn't mind me taking them with me. Is tomorrow okay?" I asked nervously.

"More than okay. I can't wait. Let me know when your flight gets in and I will come pick you up"

"Thank you Drew. I know this is an odd situation but I can't wait to meet you. See you soon"

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