Chapter Thirty Six

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"Look Baby, its daddy" I said, unlatching the hotel room door. Beas little face lit up as James reached out to take her. I shut the door behind him as he kissed Bea and threw her up in air above him. Her giggles were contagious. She loved James.

"How are my girls doing?" He asked, blowing raspberries on her tummy.

"We are doing well" I replied, taking a seat and watching them together. I couldn't help but smile. He met my gaze and smiled back.

"Where is Clark" He asked, before turning his attentions back to Bea who lapped them up.

"She's crashed" I replied, gesturing to the bed on the other side of the room where she lay under a book she had been reading only ten minutes previously.

"So you are off out for the day then" He asked, not turning away from Bea above his head.

"I am. I have a storage facility to go and check out with all my old stuff in it, and then Drew and I are off out tonight to catch up some more"

He sat Bea down on the bed and gave her the beloved toy bunny. "Well have a nice day, and don't worry about these two, we will have a great time"

"Clark really wants to go to the beach today" I explained "so I've packed you up a beach bag with snacks and lotions and anything you may need. They had a good lunch an hour or so ago so they should be happy for a couple hours"

"They are my daughters Sam. I can look after them just fine. I don't need a list or bags packed for me" He said, standing now by the bed.

"It wasn't a reflection on your parenting James. I just like to plan in advance. I'm sorry you feel that way" I grabbed the bag, upset by his attitude, and I handed it to him. I picked Bea up and kissed her cheeks. "Mommas going to miss you bumble Bea but Daddy is going to take you out and have fun with you" I leant down and kissed Clarks forehead.

"If Clark needs to speak with me when she wakes up I have my cell on me"

I handed Bea to James and kissed her head and then his. "You know I love you James. You're my children's father, we can do this, and we can do this together"

"Have a good weekend" I said, genuinely, whilst pushing the girl's bag over his broad shoulder. I turned and headed to the door.

"Wave goodbye to your mommy Bea" James asked her.

Bea waved goodbye as the door shut behind me.


Drew collected me from the front of the hotel and drove me the twenty minutes to the storage facility that had been rented by Amber for me to collect my old belongings.

On arrival, Drew pulled up to the lot numbered on the keys that Amber had left for me. It was one yellow door among a sea of others.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" Drew asked kindly.

I peeled my eyes from the door to our left and took a deep breath. "I think it's something I have to do alone. Is that okay with you?"

Drew placed her hand on my lap. "Of course. Take your time and call me when you are ready to be picked up. My girlfriend's apartment is a few blocks away so I'll go visit for a bit"

I leant forward planting a kiss on Drew's cheek. "Thank you"

As Drew pulled away and the red Jeep left the lot I found myself rooted to the spot outside the canary yellow door. My heart fluttered at the thought of entering the space Amber had left for me. It felt like a tomb uncovered in Egypt full of the past and all of the mystery of a life left behind. The fear of a curse however was not worrying me, unlike those in Egypt I was already cursed. What more could possibly happen?

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