Tea and Biscuits

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Taehyung's POV
"Be careful what you wish for."

I jumped! "Holy Jisoo!" I turned around and Namjoon was standing behind me, leaning against the wall while his son, Hwansong (I call him Hwan), was hidden behind him. [Hwansong means 'bright & strong]

You see, Namjoon's life has been...let's say not so easy. Every story needs to start off with a romantic interest, right? Firstly, he married his wife in Goyang and they had a child together. But like every good love story, tragedy intervened and took a mother and a wife away from her family. Soon after he moved to Seoul, to the apartment next door to me. We became close and even though we are not best friends, we talk to and understand one another.

He might be a good person to talk to about it.

He told Hwan to go into the games room and the boy left silently. Finally when the door of the games room was shut, Namjoon's eyes became saddened when they reached mine.

"I heard what happened." I looked down, "who told you?" Namjoon knows a lot of people at work, he works as a psychiatrist there and assesses the criminals behaviours. "Tzuyu, she told me what caused it."

I sniffed. "So, you know the whole story?"

"Yeah...Come on, come into the lounge. I'll make Tea," I followed him and as I sat on the sofa a loud huff left my lips. Because the living room and the kitchen didn't have a wall between them Namjoon heard my heaving sigh.

"Stop huffing, drink this and eat this!"

I let out a small "hmpf" and took my drink while rolling my eyes. He sat on the lone seat diagonal from me.
I could hear the sound of GTA coming from the living room.

"Talk to me about it."

I stayed silent, looking down at my feet and closed my eyes. "I know it hurts, but sharing it will help."

I mumbled.

"Can you repeat?" He revealed a small smile.

"What if it doesn't, I just want to forget it..." I wanted to never relive that part of my life. I wanted to move on, that's what they would have wanted. What Hyeok would have wanted if she-


I shook my head, he passed me a biscuit and I took it and placed it back on my plate. I wasn't hungry. "What did Yoongi do?" Namjoon looked conflicted. "He slapped him...not the best of approaches, but he explained that it helped him let out his anger."

I scoffed, well at least Yoongi feels almost the same. At least we understand that we can't go through with it.

"No matter what kind of life or death rally this is, we can't release him. We ca-we shouldn't."

Maybe I wasn't counting all of the facts, but if I can keep one shred of their dignity out of the clutches of that...that vermin! I hate him. I hate him! I F*CKING HATE HIM!

"He was kind once...wasn't he?"

"That doesn't matter now! H-he killed my c-child! MY DAUGHTER!" I yelled, angry at the man who ruined my life, "and the mother of that child, MY WIFE, NAMJOON. IF SOMEONE KILLED YOUR WIF-" I stopped, "I'm sorry! I'm so-"

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