A Friendly Reminder

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I'm sorry.

It was the anniversary of her death today.

I was walking from my lesson for lunch, head down and a frown set on my face.

"Kookie!!" (Y/N) came towards me in a cheerful tone, she doesn't even know what today is...
"Hi.." I replied walking forward still, "y-you okay, kookie?" She asked, looking concerned.

"Yup." I walked faster, I just want to get this day over with. I rounded the corner and spotted Tae, his eyes shone with pain and he was staring out of the schools window. But he turned and glared at me. I rotated and started going in another direction to go somewhere else, the music room maybe. I didn't feel like eating anymore.

"Are you sure? You don't-"


Oh shit. What did you just do, Jungkook!

(Y/n) looked taken aback by my outburst and muttered an "o-okay. I'll just..." She backed away from me, "n-no I didn't mean-I'm sor-"

"no I get it, you need to be alone..." she said in a hurt tone, she sniffed, turned and ran.

I slapped my forehead. I've really gone and done it now. "ARRRHH! Fuck!" I yelled out loud causing some students to turn and look at me.
I gave them a glare and headed towards the music room.


I slowed my run to a fast walk and wiped my cheeks of the liquid that seemed to be staining them. Why am I crying? God, jeez grow a vagina. I walked up to a small blue bench which had patches of moss growing on it. What is wrong with me? I've only known this guy a few days!

"(y-y/n)...is that you?" I turned my head to see that girl again...Naomi? Nia? "It's Niamh, incase you forgot..."

"Oh I-I didn't..." Liar.

Surprisingly she read my mind "Liar..." she laughed as her curly hair bounced. I joined her, even her being here brightened up my mood. "I didn't know you went to school here..."

"Oh, I don't...I'm a PA, I help with learning English...I know I'm young, but yeah."

Wow, she has done all this and she's probably only a year or two older than me!! You should sort your shit out (y/n).

"You must be smart then!"

She blushes and shook her head. "Oh no...just luck."

"Yeah right." She laughed at me the proceeded to hit me on the shoulder, "so changing the subject, why did you look sad before I came over?" Her facial expression changed to a more caring and understanding one.

"Oh, no reason..." I looked down, suddenly remembering the events beforehand. Jungkook. I bit my lip anxiously.

"Oh, okay if there is no reason to sadness, there must not be any sadness..."

"NO-There is-wait!"

"AH HA! So then there is a reason because you are sad! Btw I am a great listener!"

So in a bundle of messed up and extremely fast paced sentences I explained to her what had happened. "y-yeah...did you just trick me into telling me what happened?"


"I think we are going to be great friends."

She smiled and stood up. "Wanna go get lunch?"


The whole of lunch time, Niamh and I talked about our lives and I learned that she has been dating Seokjin for 2 years. They are couple goals. Yesterday, he cooked her dinner and they danced in the living room together all night.

I wish I could do that with Jungkook. Wait! What?

She also likes kpop and playing video games which we both enjoy although I'm not too keen on shooting games. I promised to go round hers and play against her on Call of Duty.
I will probably loose.

Oh and I almost forgot.  THE BEST NEWS OF ALL! Niamh is pregnant with Jin's baby. She hasn't told Jin yet, but I promised to be there when she tells him. Its funny that she is telling me, but I fell as if we are becoming really great friends!

I can't wait until she tells him!
I will film it for sure. I wonder what she is going to call it? Owen? Bobby? Jenifer? NiJin?

"So, changing the subject again, how do you know Sanha?"

She bit her lip, "he was my bestfriend"

"Was?" So that's why he seemed upset, "Yeah, we got into a fight when I got with Jin and we didn't talk for ages. Although if I see him I make casual conversation. He normally is very blunt and we don't talk for long." She sniffed and a small tear fell onto her cheek.

"Oh! Don't cry!" I scrummaged through my bag and found a tissue."GOTTCHA!"

She chuckled and took the tissue which I had offered to her. "Thanks...sorry I don't usually cry."

"Nah it's cool...we all have friendships that can go awol sometimes...it happens."


Jungkook's POV

I sat at the piano, staring, but not really looking at anything. It was only till I heard myself sigh was when I brought myself back to reality.

I need to play something. I need to get my feeling out before I go insane. God Jungkook, why are you so useless? Why do you always screw things up?!

I suddenly felt eyes on me...I turned around and Taehyung was standing there, his eyes watery and tears streaming down his clear skin. He looked up and saw me. Before I could say anything, he left.



So many people are crying in this chapter OML. HOPE YOU GUYS LIKE THE NEW MAIN CHARACTER WHO IS INTRODUCED, she is inspired by SinBinJinBin GO follow her!

AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR (ya filthy animal(low-key home alone quote))

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