The Plan: Part Two

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She was laid across a chair. Her hair was flopped to the side, covering her face as her head rested at an uncomfortable angle. Wrists tightly roped around the back of the chair and her feet were tied to both of the chair legs separately.

She looked so peaceful. So delicate. It's all fake, everything I loved about her, was all fake.

Her hand twitched, she was waking up.


(Y/N)'s POV

My nose itches. I jolted my hand to itch my annoyingly persistent nose but something was holding my wrist in place. My eyes slowly opened and adjusted to the light.

Jungkook was leading against a wall in front on me, with saddened eyes he removed his gaze from mine. Why are you sad, Jungkook? I tried to say, but my speech was impaired by, of what i presumed was, cello-tape.

"Why did you do it?"

Do what?

My orbs gleamed with confusion. "Oh, don't play dumb, all of this was a lie and you know it. You never loved me. It was all a trick. Set up by You and Jimin. I know what you are."

No. No, Jungkook. I do love you!

"You're a betrayer and a deceiver. You are nothing to me."

I squirmed in my seat, trying to tell but my voice being muffled by the tap. No! Jungkook, please, I haven't betrayed you.

"Squirm all you want. You are never getting out of that."

"Don't worry Jungkook. We can take over." Sanha knows I'm innocent. Sanha kno-wait.

Sanha! You! I tried screaming at Jungkook, Sanha is betraying you. Sanha is the one being the deceiver. Please, believe me.

"No, I've got this."

I gave Jungkook one last pleading look, he looked at me, but threw me out of his eyes, before he knocked me out.

"Wake up!"

I smashed into consciousness.

The cello-tape around my mouth seemed to have evaporated into thin air. I set my eyes on Jungkook who had gritted his teeth due to anger.

"Why would you do this to me?"

"I didn't." Was all I could squeak out. "I love y-"


"I'm not lying to you Jungkook! I LOVE YOU AND IM NOT THE ONE DECEIVING YOU."

"Then how do you explain these. You're visiting Jimin. A criminal. A murderer!"


Jungkook's face shifted onto an emotion I couldn't quite pinpoint. "He's your..."


"Why didn't you tell me."

"You never asked about my family. And even if you did-he'd be the last to talk about."

My voice quieted. "As you said...he's a murderer."

"Indeed, I am."

My back went ridged. Jimin. "You mother fu-" Jungkook was stopped by 3 men pushing him to the wall beside me and clamping some sort of machine to his arms. "No no no, stay there."

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