The Truth

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"I know who you are." My head whipped round, Sanha was standing in front of me. "What?"

He stepped forward. "I know who you..." he poked my chest "...are, Jungkook."

Does he know? "Listen Sanha, I'm not sure what you are on about. Explain..." I gave a friendly smile while he just gave a wide-eyed determined look.

"I know all about your missions, everything where you work for Ma'am Choi."

My eyes widened. "Listen Kid, you better run fast or I might have to-"

"Kill me? What if I have information?"

I paused. "What kind of information?" Who is this kid?

He looked at me with pity, my eyebrows scrunched together in confusion. He took a step closer while I took a step back, the dark alley highlighting his soft features brilliantly.

"About (y/n). She's not who she says she is..."


"A spy? How? She's a lovely girl."

I looked at Tzuyu suspiciously, "how do you know, you've never met her." The girl didn't meet my gaze, "Tzuyu."

"Okay, Okay! I may have spied on you guys while you were having your date."

I scowled, it was supposed to be private. Before I could say anything the girl ran off. That girl- aish!

Then my face instantly darkened as my mind returned to remind me of previous events.
How could she be a spy? I don't believe it, there is no evidence!

My mind sprang back to my conversation with Sanha. My gaze shifted to the folder in my grasp.

"Take a look at this, you'll see."

My hands were shaking, it's not possible that she could be-she can't- I opened the folder. What was revealed was a picture, in fact, lots of pictures. Pages and pages. Of (y/n).

I sat down at my desk, turning each page. The first picture was of her going into a prison. The Inclusive Prison...where Jimin is. The second one was of her next to my the woods. I checked the date.

How could...No! She can't be. Not possible!

Each picture had (y/n) at a date and place of where Jimin had been sited. The last picture wasn't a picture at all, it was a legal document, signed by her her allegiance to Jimin. It was the exact same signature she has...

I slammed the folder shut. I was angry. I was upset. Of course I was upset, my gi-was she my girlfriend? What was she to me? I rubbed my eyes, my hands trailed through my hair and I let out a huff. "Something bothering you, Jungkook?" Kelvin asked. "No," I looked at the folder, "I'm fine."

I grabbed the folder and held it to my chest. "Gotta go!"


"What do I do?"

Sanha huffed. "What do you want to do?" I racked my brain for the answer, but found nothing. "What the fuck! Why would she do this, why would she pretend to..."

"She hasn't just done it to you, she's made many spies believe she is in love with them. It's her charm."

I groaned. "I should confront her! It's the only way. She tricked me into loving her, how could I be so stupid! That son of a bitch, why would she, I loved her and she..."

It was silent for a moment and I looked down.
Sanha spoke.
"She broke you."

Tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes. "It's okay, I know what to do. Are you up for anything."

I glanced at him causiously and heaved a sigh. I wiped my eyes.

"I'll do what needs to be done. I won't make the same mistake twice."

Wow I updated I'm proud of myself. You should be proud of me too. I'm sorry I was ill for a while and I was so tired jeeez.

Love you guys



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