The Plan: Part One

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"We've got her."

"Where is she?" 

"She's tied up in the back. Don't worry, she's knocked out."

I learned into the window and saw her sleeping soundly. How could something so beautiful be so deceitful.  How could she betray me?

I grit my teeth together. Bitch.

"Get her out of there!" Sanha ordered. I stepped aside. A few men came, threw the door open and roughly grabbed her, "Hey, not so harshly."  Why was I protecting her? Jungkook, she tricked you!
The men dragged her by the heels into the large warehouse, "are you sure, you want me to do it?"

I hesitated. Then remembered all those photos of her-fuck!

The warehouse seemed abandoned and a few of the windows were smashed in. I took in a breath. "She will wake in 30 minutes or so. You should wait here, while we get everything ready."

Sanha disappeared into the building
as I leant against the black car. My phone buzzed from my pocket. I glanced at the illuminated screen, it looked brighter in the darkness of the night, it was Taehyung. What? IT WAS TAEHYUNG. I immediately tapped the accept button on the screen, "hello?"

There was silence at first, nothing but the light sound of breathing echoes across our phones.


"How are you?"

"I'm feeling a lot better now, I'm sorry for blaming you."

"No, no you were right to blame me, it was my fault. I promise you to never make that mistake every again and I won't, I will be the bes-"

"Ju-Jungkook. I forgive you, okay. I don't hold you accountable for anything. It isn't your fault that he was released, okay. It isn't anyone's fault, but the law's itself. It was his time, even though his time should have been longer. I don't hate you, remember that, okay. " he paused for a moment, I could tell he was contemplating saying his next words, "I hope you don't hate me."

"Of course I don't hate you. I miss you for one. I haven't talked to my best-friend in ages, of course I don't hate you for hating me, what kind of friend would I be. What I should be asking is 'what are you doing'."

"Oh I'm just sorting out my laundry. The usual mortal routine, haha. "

"You are so mundane, God Tae."

"Oi, FIGHT me, ahahaha"
We laughed for a while, I missed this.

"I was telling the truth. I do miss you and this."

"I miss you too. More than you know," he heaved a sigh, and let out in a choked voice, "I miss her too."

My eyes saddened, "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologise, you didn't do anything."
"I didn't save her. You told me
to protect her and I didn't." It was true, I was so blinded by my anger that I forgot what I had promised him.

"You were angry, I blame myself for not being there. "

"You couldn't though." Why would he blame himself, he didn't, he couldn't, he was stuck.

"I missed talking to you."

"I missed talking to you too. It's been a while hasn't it."

"Yes it has! We need to meet and go get milkshakes together again!"

"Yeah we do. I'll see you then, Jungkook. Saranghaeyo." I grinned.

"Bye, Nado Saranghaeyo Taehyung..."

Taehyung was the one who cancelled the call, first. He talked to me. He talked to me!!

My happiness was interrupted not by my phone, but another phone buzzing. It was coming from inside the car, so I opened the black door and fished for the second phone.

It was under a scarf in the back. It had an diamond panda on the back of the phone. Glittery. The screen read "NIAMH!"


"No, it's Jungkook."

"Is (y/n) there I need to talk to her."

"No, she left to go to the shops, sorry." Guilt rised to the back of my throat. I was straight up lying to her, she didn't deserve this.

"Oh, Okay. When she gets back, tell her that I know what to name the baby! Thanks to her, aha."

"Oh, I will. Talk to you later."

"Yeah, see ya."

I ended the call and stared at the screen. I should have told her the truth about this, she's a victim too. I then chucked the phone back in the car and slammed the door shut, I looked back at the grey building in front of me, letting out a heavy sigh.
Am I doing the right thing?

Too late to question myself now. Sanha appeared again coming out of the warehouse. "Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."


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Next chapter coming sooon.
Show SinBinJinBin s fanfic "Between the moons" some more love!!!

Avoir my petite buttercups!

Till next time.

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