~Glowing eyes~

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(Extra Chapter)

"Jungkook, I have something to show you..."

I looked up at (y/n), her eyes seemed to be glowing, like when she fainted a while back. They were dazzling orbs of which shone in the light of the night, they matched the moon.

I was confused and to be honest, so star struck that I was frozen. "W-why... do they g-glow...?"

I managed to mumble out.

"I am not human...that's why I survived the bullet that ran through me. I'm a God."

What! A God...what kinda sick joke-"please believe me, my eyes glow and uhh-look at this."

(Y/n) twisted her right hand, and repeated a circular motion with the said hand. As she did so, a gust of with spun above us and soon we were standing under a tornado, unharmed. "I can control air and wind patterns, pressure is also a factor and occasionally floods depending on if they are cloud and rain induced or water based. Although I am able to c-


"Oh...That's all...'oh',"

"I mean, that's pretty awesome. I'm in love with a God, oh how my standards are high."

"By you saying that, does that mean my standards are low."

"N-no. No wait, you got knocked out, how cou-"

"I can be knocked out, for the most of it, I have all the vulnerabilities and clumsiness, feelings included, of a human, it's just I can't die. Unless..."

"Unless what?..."

"I bound my soul to a human."


She looked at me with this 'you're an idiot look', I was confused, "what?"

"Dipshit, I'm asking you to bound your soul with mi-"



"Yes, I said yes. I want to be wit you."


"Yes, now you're the dipshit."

"Oh shut up!"

{(Y/n) pov }

I grabbed his shirt and smashed his lips on mine. He was all mine. I was all his. And with that kiss, our souls were bound.

He pushed me onto the bed, his eyes gazing at me lustfully.

He attacked my neck with luscious, orgasmic kisses which left red marks on my neck and me moaning senseless.  He grabbed my shirt and ripped it off, leaving my bra on me. I copied and did the same to his shirt, his chest was lightly defined and it made me want him more. His hands roamed across my torso, feeling every inch of my back. Leaving me breathless from delight. "I want you (y/n) (l/n)"

I pulled him away from me, slipping out of his grip and sanding behind him. "Then come and get me."

He slowly stepped towards me. Step.My breathing became erratic as I stared at his heaving chest. Step. His breath was an angels song to my ears as he bit his lips. Step. I started to walk backwards before my back was close to the wall and legs hit the drawers . His arms side by side me, then they slid to my lower back till his body was pressed against mine, I jumped and sat on the drawers wrapping my legs around his torso. He unzipped my shorts and I realised that he had already disgraced his trousers as I could see his bulge. I took off my bra and Jungkook hard began to explore. Ours moans echoed the room as I rubbed his... and he...

We finally removed everything.


Our moans could be heard a mile away.

It was the best night of my life.

Bet you didn't see this one coming.

Thought I'd clear a few things up. Taehyung is dead btw and Jungkook and (y/n) are alive. You'll never know what happened beyond the gun shot. I like to keep things mysterious.
Enjoy!Vote! And as always COMMENT, I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS, you guys are amazing.

(Follow me on insta: kpopasfudge)

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