Chapter 2

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I can't believe you did that

Elena looked down at her phone when the text message popped up from a number she didn't have saved. But it didn't matter, she knew who it was. An instant smile spread across her cheeks as she held her toothbrush in her mouth. She picked her phone up and started typing.

I think you can believe I did that

You're right. I can. What's on the agenda for the day?

Spot of tea and then head to Uni to hang with the lads

Hilarious. Have I told you that you're hilarious?


I have an exhibition game against Romania at the Stubhub Center today.

You should come.

Harry's eyebrows raised. If he went to a game, Niall would never speak to him again if he wasn't invited. But he did want to see Elena again. Would he sound like a jerk for asking?

If I went to that without Niall I'd be disowned

So bring him


Yeah. Wouldn't want you to be separated from your boyfriend for too long

Harry's eyes narrowed. He was 20 miles away from her but he could hear her cackling in his ear. He shook his head and tapped to respond.

At least he's ok with calling a date a date



See you in an hour? Tickets will be waiting at Will Call

An hour? What time does the game start?

6:30. But we have pictures and some press to do before the game starts. Plus I thought Niall might like to see practice too since he's actually a fan

I never said I wasn't a fan

Are you?

I'll see you in an hour


Harry quickly dialed Niall's number and then waited for him to answer. It was before 10 a.m. on a Saturday so there was no way Niall was awake. In fact, Harry was taking his life in his hands by bothering Niall this early, but he figured once he told Niall why he was calling he'd get a reprieve.

The phone stopped ringing, indicating it had been answered but no voice said hello. Instead Harry heard a deep groan and a sniff,

"Ya better be on fire, Mate."

"Guess who I met last night?"

Another deep sigh and a very loud lick of his lips,

"Dunno." He said, his Irish accent thick with sleep.

"Elena Bennett."

"What? Where?" Niall responded, now fully awake and from the sounds of it, sitting straight up in his bed.

Harry snickered,

"She was doing a yogurt shoot yesterday. Mike invited me to come visit. I hung out with her at Merle's until it closed."

Niall's hands thrust into the air and then clapped down against his comforter,

"Well thanks for the fuckin' phone call, Friend!"

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