Chapter 18

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Gemma sounded different then Elena expected her to. Though Elena didn't really know how she expected Gemma to sound. She certainly wasn't shy though, which suited Elena just fine considering Elena wasn't really shy either.

Gemma spoke quickly but with purpose, the girl knew what she wanted to say and wasn't wasting hers or anyone else's time. It was a refreshing change of pace.

Elena suggested they grab some sandwiches at a local deli and hang out around the park. Gemma was all for anything that required her "not staying in this damn hotel room."

Elena was just about done ordering her sandwich when she glanced over her shoulder to see a blonde girl walk in who had the same eyes Elena had seen so many times staring back at her. An instant smile spread across her face as did the same calming effect Harry had on her.

Gemma returned Elena's smile in equal measure as she hugged Elena tightly,

"Elena Rose I presume." She said as she pulled away.

Elena nodded,

"Well if I'm not then you're just hugging people randomly today?"

Gemma shrugged,

"Wouldn't be the first time." She glanced up at the menu, "So what's good here?"


"Good, makes it easy."

Elena finished her order and waited for Gemma to finish hers before grabbing her bag. Gemma followed her out once her order was completed. Elena gestured to an empty picnic table a few feet away from them,

"How's that?"

"Looks good."

Once the sandwiches were set and the bottles of water opened, Gemma finally got down to business,

"So, brother is wildly in love with you."

Elena couldn't help the smile that reddened her cheeks while she finished the bite of her sandwich. She took a sip of water to wash it down,

"Uh...the feeling is definitely mutual."

"I know." Gemma stated so simply it made Elena's heart skip a beat.

"I'm sorry?"

"I walked into that deli and I saw your face when you saw's written all over your face, Elena. You couldn't hide it if you tried."

Elena laughed silently,

"Well, it's a good thing I don't wanna hide it then."

Gemma picked up her sandwich,

"I think you might be the first girlfriend he's ever had who can go toe to toe with him on just about anything. You kind of remind me of me...and my mum."

"I'd like to meet her one day...soon. Harry raves about you both so much I kinda feel like I already know you."

The conversation between them never lulled or got boring. Even when they should've been politely eating with their mouths closed, they found a way to keep talking. Talking to Gemma was like talking to Harry in a lot of ways. It felt nice to be close to him even though it was only his sister.

Gemma insisted they go check out a local art gallery she'd been wanting to check out. Art wasn't really Elena's thing, but the opportunity to spend more time with Gemma was always welcome.

Once inside the gallery Elena walked around as she admired the canvases filled with bright colors and imaginative ideas. Art was never really her strong suit. She couldn't draw and couldn't paint and as far as putting together colors, it was a wonder she got dressed for her day without any major issues.

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