Chapter 22

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Elena stood in front of the stove while she cooked herself a can of soup. Harry had fallen asleep on the couch while they were watching The Price is Right and she didn't have the heart to wake him up. Besides, it was only soup, how hard could it be?

She hobbled out as best she could to the doorway while she watched a lady from Detroit play Plinko. Harry stirred slightly but was otherwise still asleep, which was good. If he woke up and found her making her own food he might well have a conniption about it. He'd been so protective of her lately.

Elena stopped when she thought she heard him say her name. She was proud of herself for remembering to grab the remote before she made her way to the kitchen. She pointed the contraption towards her TV and pressed mute.

"Len..." He breathed, a few more words exiting his mouth that were unintelligible.

Elena limped forward. Was he still asleep or was he about to get upset because she'd gotten up to make food without telling him first. She leaned down, waving her hand over his face to make sure he was asleep. He didn't flinch.

"Fuck, Baby..." He said all of the sudden, his hips lifting up off the couch.

Elena slapped her hand over her mouth to stifle the laugh that almost burst out of her lips. He spread his palms out over his chest,

"Feels so good...shit, just like that."

Elena's eyes widened while the laugh threatened to break free out from behind her hand. Seems she wasn't the only one having sex dreams around here. She leaned down, setting her chin on the back of the couch just above his head. She reached down to spread her hand out over his chest, her smile growing huge when he let out a deep sigh,

"Love being inside of you." He mumbled.

Elena was getting a huge kick out of this, but her conscience started to weigh on her. At least he woke her up before she caused too much embarrassment.

She squeezed his hand,


He stirred a bit,

"I'm here...I'll never leave you I swear."

The moment ceased being funny just then. She felt like she was intruding on something he may not have been all that comfortable with her knowing at the moment. She shook him gently,


He drew in a deep breath, his eyes fluttering open as he focused on her face above him. His eyes darted around the room,

"Did I - Was I - " He swallowed, "Asleep?"

She nodded. Revenge would have to wait on this one. She could hardly make fun of him after what she'd just heard. She patted his chest,

"I made soup."

He stopped, pushing himself up onto his butt, he turned to look at her,

"By yourself? Why didn't you wake me?"

She stood back up,

"Thought I could do it alone. Would you like some?"

He hopped up off the couch, running a hand down his face as it became apparent he was still trying to gain control over his limbs,

"Yeah." He rounded the couch and knelt down in front of her for a piggy back ride, "Hop on."

Elena smiled, sudden happy tears appearing. She sniffed them back as she got on his back. He lifted her up slowly and carried her into the kitchen. He set her on the counter and attempted to walk away. Elena locked her arms around his neck though, pressing a soft kiss to his temple,

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