Chapter 13

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Harry fell asleep immediately after Elena's surprise. He cuddled into her back, spooning her with his chin tucked into her neck. Elena discovered that being held that tight was the key to the best night of sleep she'd ever had. She woke up with him completely curled around her and it was possibly the best feeling in the world.

She could feel his breath across her shoulder blades and it instantly made her smile. He was warm and sticky against her back, the sweat from sleeping so closely to each other sticking them together. He smelled like the lotion she'd playfully rubbed on his hands before they went to bed last night.

She pushed her ass into his hips, pressing her lips to his hand gently, a mischievous smile popping up on her face when she heard him grunt,

"Len..." He warned.

She giggled,

"Good morning."

He pulled his chin from her shoulder and rolled onto his back. He rubbed his eyes, took a deep breath and then looked at her with a wide smile on his face,

"Good morning, Sunshine. Did you sleep well?"

Elena turned over to look at him, reaching forward to smooth one curl of hair from his face,

"I slept great."

He stretched his neck out to press a kiss to her mouth,

"Me too."

She took a few more moments to look at him. Just to stare and revel in the fact that this gorgeous amazing man was her boyfriend. And the best part was she hadn't even been looking, he just fell into her lap.

His eyes darted across her face as he came to the realization that she was staring,

"What?" He put his hand over his mouth, "Morning breath?"

She giggled and shook her head,

"No." She pushed herself up onto her elbow, balancing her head in her hand as she looked down at his chest, "So...proposition for you..."

He quirked his brows,

"That sounds intriguing."

She looked up into his eyes,

"Might wanna wait until you hear it first." She giggled when he dramatically clapped his mouth shut, "So, once a month I go down to the community center in South Central. Andrea and I teach the girls some moves. Try to get them interested in soccer."

Harry nodded but didn't open his mouth,

"And guess what today is...." She shrugged, "You can come if you like. It's fun. The girls range in ages from five to twelve and they're all really eager to learn all they can."

Harry's face broke into a huge smile,

"I would love to come. But if teaching them soccer is a requirement...not so sure how helpful I'll be."

Elena shook her head,

"You won't have to teach them. Just hang out with them." Her smile faded slowly, "A lot of them have parents they never see...siblings they've lost to violence...they don't have role models."

Harry lifted his hand to tangle into the bottom strands of her hair,

"Count me in."

Elena lifted herself onto her hands, hovering over him as she pressed her lips to his,

"Gotta get up and get ready then...we have to be there by noon."


Evening the Score // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now