Chapter 5

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Dates weren't really Elena's thing. She could count on one hand the amount she'd been on. She'd had boyfriends, relationships if that's what you wanted to call them. But nothing significant. She'd lost her virginity on prom night just to get it over with. The boys she'd been with in the past knew their place. Elena was all about soccer, honing her skills, becoming the best. Most of the time the relationships fizzled after a few months of the guys getting tired of being ignored or pushed aside for the game.

Elena didn't harbor any ill feelings towards any of them. She never expected to be able to find a guy who would be ok with being number two in her life.

But then there was Harry. He challenged her in a way none of the other boys had. He made her want different things. It almost seemed like maybe there could be a happy medium. Like he didn't have to be number two. Like maybe...just possibly...he could fit in to share number one.

Elena had to admit it, her hopes were up. The butterflies that appeared in her stomach whenever he was around wouldn't allow her to ignore it. Elena's ever present optimism was at an all-time high. Could he be the one to fill that spot where no one else had before?

She lifted her hands to her mouth in the prayer position as the idea washed over her. Just the mere idea of the two of them together was intriguing. Him, a cheeky pop star loved the world over. Her, an athlete at the top of her game. What could they produce together?

Elena ran her hands down her purple hued shirt and smiled to herself.

This date had possibilities attached to it that Elena had never allowed herself to focus on before. But then again, no guy had ever affected her the way Harry had.

The knock at her door sent the butterflies already present in her stomach exploding to every other part of her body. She let the smile that had been threatening to stretch across her cheeks finally appear in all of it's cheesy grandeur as she made her way to the door. One deep breath and a quick gathering of herself and she finally pulled the door open.

Her breath caught in her throat when she saw him standing there. Black skinny jeans, black motorcycle boots, and a green button down shirt.

She reminded herself not to stare after staring for a few moments longer than she should have.

Harry was having his own issues controlling his reaction when he saw her standing on the other side of the doorway. Her usual shorts and ponytail were gone. She was instead a vision in a purple shirt and a pair of blue skinny jeans. Her hair was left to cascade down her shoulders prompting the unbelievable urge to reach forward and brush it back.

Instead after a quick clearing of his throat he reached forward to hand her the rose he'd purchased for her,

"I've got chills." He whispered softly before pressing a kiss to her cheek.

Elena looked down at the rose as she felt his lips against her skin. What would those lips feel like pressed against hers she wondered. She kept the thought to herself, stretching her neck to sniff the rose,

"Bought this on the off ramp?"

He laughed through his nose as his eyes met hers,

"How did you know?"

"That guy's name is Lowell. He fought in World War 2."

He offered her his hand,

"I'll have to remember that next time I see him."

Elena let her eyes linger on his for just a moment before she lifted her hand and placed it squarely in his. She watched as his fingers closed around her hand, sending such a rush of warmth over her body she almost forgot to grab her jacket and purse,

Evening the Score // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now