Chapter 4

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Frustration did not even begin to describe Elena's current state of mind. Pissed off got a little closer, however. She had missed an easy goal during a scrimmage, leaving Andrea so wide open she easily scored, causing her team to lose the game. If there was one thing Elena hated it was losing. Losing what should have been an easy game was even worse.

While Elena wasn't outwardly a sore loser, the guilt she piled on herself after a loss was almost suffocating. Even for games that didn't matter at all. Elena's propensity for being ridiculously hard on herself always reared it's ugly head and tonight was no different.

It was a good thing she was headed to a concert with unlimited amounts of beer for the evening. She certainly needed it. Not to mention the possibility of seeing a certain British gentlemen though she wasn't counting on it, it would have been nice though.

Andrea watched as Elena put her makeup on. Andrea had played on the same team with Elena since high school. She knew how bad Elena took a loss. It was no secret why Elena had largely stayed quiet once they'd gotten back to the locker room.

"You alright, Ben?" She asked softly, casting a quick glance in Chrissy's direction.

Chrissy was sitting on one of the team couches, thumbing through her phone aimlessly. She barely seemed bothered by the fact that her best friend was seemingly smack in the middle of a self imposed guilt trip.

Elena nodded, capping her lip gloss,

"Just annoyed we lost that scrimmage. I swore I had that goal. I dunno what happened."

Andrea frowned. She was hoping she might have been wrong about the reason for Elena's silence. She leaned against the counter, looking over at her friend,

"The game didn't count. Hopefully we can watch some tape tomorrow and check out what happened."

Elena threw her mascara into her makeup bag,

"I know what happened. I didn't do what I was supposed to do."

Chrissy let out a deep sigh from her spot on the couch,

"I watched the game, Elena. You did exactly what you were supposed to do. Sometimes that's just how it happens."

Elena hated it when she got like this. She wasn't a person who needed others to pump her up. She didn't have huge mood swings or need any kind of ego boost usually, Elena could deal with her emotions. Why on earth this loss was hitting her like a ton of bricks today was a mystery.

She turned to look at her two friends,

"Can we go to this concert and forget about it for the time being?"
Chrissy hopped up from her seat as she shoved her phone into her back pocket,

"We most certainly can."


Chrissy watched as Elena put away her third beer of the night. The concert hadn't even started yet. She cast a known glance over at Andrea as she wrapped her lips around her own beer bottle. Whatever was happening with Elena it was clear she didn't wanna talk about it and neither Chrissy or Andrea were ones to push her into talking.

So Chrissy remained silent, merely keeping an eye on her best friend. Elena had been so focused her whole life, it was about time she started blowing off some steam.

Elena kept the beer bottle to her lips, readied for a drink, as she glanced at the section next to them. Was Harry here yet? He was probably backstage hanging out with Stevie and trading recipes.

Elena slumped down into her chair, finally taking a sip of her beer. Andrea looked over at her,

"Something wrong, Ben?"

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