Chapter 24

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The place was called Wave Hill. A few long subway rides and a short walk hand in hand and they arrived there around 11 in the morning. It was possibly the most beautiful place Elena had ever seen. The gardens were lush and green while the sounds of people performing filled the air around them. Not to mention a couple people had set up easels and were painting the New Jersey skyline off in the distance.

Harry gestured towards a grass-lined trail covered by various trees and shrubs. He leaned over to read the sign,

"Shade Border..." He glanced back at Elena, "Let's check it out."

Elena nodded, hooking her hand on his arm as he lead her down the trail. The walked slowly, no real schedule or need to be anywhere. Elena was reminded of their short time in San Luis Obispo. They needed more instances where they weren't governed by their schedules. It gave them a chance to reconnect and be reminded that while their lives were crazy, they were still just two people who were in love.

Harry smiled at a lady and her two boys as they went tearing by them down the trail. He glanced back at Elena,

"You're awful quiet back there."

She looked up at him, a bit startled by him speaking to her. She was so engulfed in her own head at the moment. He laughed when she looked up at him,

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's alright. I was just thinking."

They took a few more steps before he asked,

"Am I allowed to ask what about?"
She drew in a deep breath, her shoulders rising and then dropping as she sighed it out,

"Life. What I'm gonna do with myself. What happens if..." She gestured down to her boot, "This stupid thing doesn't heal."

He pulled his eyebrows together,

"Are you hurting? I'm sorry I didn't even think about walking making you sore...we'll get a ca-"

"Harry..." She interrupted softly, lifting her other hand to his cheek, "I'm not sore. I was just thinking."

He calmed down. A slight feeling of embarrassment popping up. He didn't mean to hover, he was just super in tune with her emotions and when one hit he didn't realize was there, it made him feel disconnected.

"Sorry." He apologized.

She shook her head,

"Don't apologize. I love it that you're so watchful. I do." They started walking again, "I was just...trying out the feeling of..." She paused to gather her thoughts, "Maybe not playing anymore."

She tried saying it out loud, just to see how the words would taste in her mouth. They were bitter and scary. Her heart sped up. A hot panic washed over her. The only time she'd ever felt like this before was when her coach benched her a decade ago in high school. Harry watched as she glanced around, her eyes darting back and forth across the landscape around them as she tapped the toe of her foot on the ground underneath her. Her hand dropped from his arm as she lifted her thumb to scratch a non-existent itch on her temple,

"I'm um..." She stopped, unable to find the words to describe the rush that hit her full force.

Harry reached forward, instantly recognizing what was happening in front of him. He kept his distance, knowing full well if he were to envelope her in a hug right now it could result in her pushing him away and both of them feeling awkward. He took her hand,

"Hey..." He called her attention to him. She met his gaze, her eyes wide and full of tension. He squeezed her hand, "I'm here. Come back to me, Len."

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