Chapter 12

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"Are you ready?" Harry asked as he looked at Elena over his computer screen.

Elena clapped excitedly and nodded, jumping around in her seat like a 12 year old fan girl. Harry loved it. He laughed,

"I'll take that as a yes. I'm gonna send you a link."

"You told me." Elena whined impatiently, "Send it already."

"Impatient when you don't get your way aren't ya?" He responded with a laugh.

She nodded,

"Remember that."

Harry hesitated before clicking send. This was the trailer for his new movie. What would she think? How would she react? In two weeks of knowing she existed, her opinion had become the most important to him. He sighed,


Her shoulders slumped,


"Ok ok." He hit send, "Lemme know what you think."

He felt like he was going to throw up while he waited for the email to even make it to her inbox. Would she hate it? He couldn't imagine that she would, but after the debacle he'd created with her pictures it was clear he wasn't good at gauging her reactions to things.

"Hasn't shown - oh wait there it is..." She finally said, her voice shattering his thoughts, "Lemme watch now. Shhhhhhh."

Harry was silent, trying his best to keep his eyes on his phone while he waited for her to watch the trailer. He watched as her eyes darted back and forth, drinking in all the different scenes as they flashed across her screen. His heart was hammering in his ears along with all of the bombs going off in the trailer.

Once it ended she put her hand over her mouth,


"You liked it?" He asked, his voice hopeful.

"I loved it."

"You wanna come to the premiere with me?"

She laughed softly, her smile stretching into a nervous grin,


"Yeah. It's a ways away...but I'd like you to be there with me."

"I'll be there." She whispered.

Harry smiled in response. This was the best reaction he could've hoped for.

He leaned onto his elbows, staring down into the screen into the face of the girl he was positive he was now in love with,

"I'll be home tomorrow."

"Home?" She asked softly, burrowing down into the covers Harry knew well.

He nodded,

"Home, to you..."

Elena smiled. He could tell she was tired by the lazy way the corners of her mouth turned up,

"That's not tomorrow." She argued, yawning the last word.

"It's tomorrow for me."

"I find it exceedingly unfair that you are a day ahead of me already. I have to suffer through three more hours until I can say you'll be home tomorrow."

Harry chuckled,

"It is 9 p.m. there...I forgot. Sorry, Love."

"It's ok. Because when I wake up tomorrow, you'll be packing to come back to me...and I think that's a good trade off."

Evening the Score // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now