Chapter 3

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Niall was nowhere to be found when Harry made it to the studio the next morning. In fact no one was around, not even Julian. Harry quickly realized after sitting there for 30 minutes by himself that Niall had engineered this. Elena would be there any second, Niall was well aware of that. Harry made a mental note to slap his bandmate around a couple times the next time he saw him. Sure, Harry wasn't usually violent, but this situation called for it. Niall had it coming.

Harry tried to control his nervousness. He didn't even really know where it was coming from. But he had spent hours last night staring up at his ceiling over analyzing every move Elena made since the moment he'd met her. He was met with one final question that he was unable to answer. Did she like him as much as he liked her?

Which was insane. They had barely met 48 hours ago. Harry had never had such a visceral reaction meeting someone. Usually he bided his time, did a little harmless flirting and then made his move when he got a green light.

But with Elena it was completely different. Biding his time was not going to happen. There was no such thing as harmless flirting, every look and gesture her way meant something and he wanted to believe she reciprocated. And he wanted that green light more than he ever wanted anything in his whole life.

Jesus Christ this is why he hadn't dated in the past year. This moment of the unknown while he had to figure out if she liked him too made him feel childish.

Harry was knee deep in an emotional crisis when he heard someone knock on the door. He looked up, clearing his throat,

"You can come in."

He watched as Elena pushed the door open and then poked her head in. She looked around, her eyes finally falling on his. He completely relaxed when he saw her calm, easygoing smile,

"Sorry." She said as she stepped inside and let the door close behind her, "Are we supposed to knock? You weren't recording were you?" She gasped and put her hand to her mouth, "Shit did I just mess up a take?"

Harry giggled softly, shaking his head as he sat back. His earlier meltdown becoming a distant memory,

"I wasn't recording anything. You're fine."
She took her hand away from her mouth,

"Oh." She clasped her hands together as she bit the inside corner of her lip and looked around.

Elena had never been inside a recording studio before. It seemed...dark. And kind of cold. She shivered slightly, realizing she'd left her hoodie in the car. Shorts might not have been such a good idea but it was almost 80 degrees already.

Her eyes finally settled back on Harry's,

"Is it always so...foreboding in here?"


"Dark. Like I feel like I'm about to have a session with a therapist or something."

Harry chuckled softly as he stood up and approached her,

"We like it dark and cold in here. Sometimes it brings the inspiration."

Elena shivered again,

"Being cold gives inspiration?" She raised her eyebrows, "Wow..."

Harry quickly peeled himself out of his hoodie,

"You want my hoodie? I don't need it."

Elena's first instinct was to deny and say no. But it really was cold in there and she wanted to focus on something else other than her shivering body and chattering teeth,


He nodded, walking towards her and holding it out so she could slip it on. Elena was swallowed by it, the sleeves so long they easily engulfed her hands. But it smelled fantastic. Like musk and sweat and a fruity smell she couldn't quite pick out. His detergent maybe? His warmth soaked into her skin immediately. She quickly pushed the thought out of her head when she realized he was watching her.

Evening the Score // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now