Chapter 27

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Harry opened the door to exit the bathroom after showering and getting himself ready to go for his day. While the other activities Jeff had planned had hit Harry out of nowhere, this day had been planned for months. Harry's CD had been released. He was going to do a round of all the morning talk shows and some satellite interviews. Then he was headed to some record stores to sign CDs and last but not least he had lunch with some lucky contest winners.

He'd barely gotten two hours of sleep after returning at 3 am the night before, but he was so hopped up on adrenaline at the moment, that sleep was an afterthought.

Elena, however, was not. She was still asleep, still wrapped in his hoodie and clutching the pillow in almost exactly the same position she'd been in the night before.

He sat on the bed, studying her face for a few moments. He hated leaving her in bed like this. Hell, he hated leaving her at all. The real life obligations of their careers were starting to get in the way.

Harry leaned down and kissed her cheek,

"Wake up, Pretty Girl."

Elena stirred slightly but didn't move otherwise. He laughed softly. He knew her well enough to know she was awake,

"I know you're awake." He said at full volume.

Elena popped an eye open,

"Maybe I'm's 5 am. No one in their right mind is awake at this hour. So why are you?"

"Interviews. It's CD release day."

Elena's eyes closed as her face fell into a lazy grin,

"Congratulations." She said as she stretched her arms out for a hug.

Harry leaned down into her embrace,

"I have a surprise coming for you."

Elena's eyes widened in anticipated excitement,

"Really? A surprise for me?"

Harry pulled up from her arms,

"Should be here in about 30 minutes." He stared down at her, the tug in his heart came raging on full force. He wanted nothing more than to stay in that bed with her for the day. Shut out the world and make love, talk and giggle their way through the hours.

But he also wanted nothing more than to go out and be amongst his fans while they excitedly purchased his album. And to hear their comments. And to take pictures.

Her smile faded slowly,

"Baby?" He seemed to not hear her for a moment before he focused back on her face, "Are you ok?" She asked softly.

He nodded, a wistful smile lifting the corners of his mouth,

"Yeah." He leaned down, his lips softly forming against hers before he pulled them back and pushed his forehead to hers, "Have fun today, ok?" He whispered, "I planned it for you. I know I've not been around a lot this trip...I hope this makes up for it."

Elena could feel the slight bit of awkwardness between them. Like they both had things to say but didn't want to ruin the time they could spend together with a possible argument.

She pulled her head up off the pillow and pressed her mouth to his. Did he know how much she loved him? How scared she was about all the things they were facing? How he made everything in her life better, not worse? She tried to convey that to him in the kiss but felt like she'd done a poor job. She finally released his mouth, letting her head fall back gently. Tears pricked the backs of her eyes.

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