Chapter 34

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Eric looked over at Chrissy after she craned her neck, grunted and then relaxed for the fourth time in the last 15 minutes. The stadium was buzzing. The World Cup was finally back in the United States for the first time since 2003. And Elena Bennett's long awaited return with her team was the top news story on every sports channel.

"What are you looking for?" Eric asked as he handed Ruby her soda next to him.

Chrissy frowned,

"Seeing if he's here."


"Harry." Chrissy said, her tone annoyed.

Eric rolled his eyes,

"So what if he's not? He's busy."

Chrissy sighed. She knew it was unfair of her to expect Harry to be there. He was busy. But it just seemed wrong for him not to be. After all of his support of Elena through her injury, he had to be there,

"You don't get it." She finally said.

"Guess not. But look, as long as she keeps her focus on the game, it doesn't matter if he's here or not. She wouldn't even know anyway."
Chrissy shook her head,

"Trust me Eric...she'll know."

The stadium had gone insane when the team ran out onto the field for the festivities to begin. Elena's beaming smile during the National Anthem was projected on the big screen sending the crowd to almost window shattering decibels.


Andrea leaned over to Grady as they stripped off their track suits out on the sidelines,

"Is he here?" She asked softly so Elena wouldn't hear them even though she was too far away to have heard them anyway and the crowd would have drowned them out.

Grady shook her head,

"I don't see him."

Andrea shook her head,

"Is she gonna be alright?"

Grady glanced over in Elena's direction. Since the moment she'd walked into the stadium that morning Elena had been her normal self. She was focused and gregarious, the way she always was before a game. She led them in their team cheer before they marched out onto the field and now she was stretching to get warm. There was nothing out of the ordinary.

Grady nodded,

"Yeah. I think she's fine."

"Will she ever forgive him?"

Grady was about to answer just as she heard some commotion off to the side where they had just come out from the locker room. She watched as Harry's tall frame walked out from the doors, up the steps and took his seat next to Chrissy in the stands next to Elena's family. He held Elena's eyes the entire way.

Grady resisted the urge to clap excitedly and simply nodded as a blinding smile spread across her face,

"We're gonna win, Andy...we're gonna fucking win."


Chrissy tried her best to stay quiet and not bug Harry so he could watch the game. But she couldn't help it. She was bursting at the seams. Was he going to stay? Were they going to talk? Was he here to break up with her? Ugh, it was like being a kid on Christmas morning and her parents telling her she couldn't open anything.

Harry sighed out a breath,

"I can hear you thinking."

Chrissy jumped slightly,

Evening the Score // Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now