Chapter 35

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Chrissy was hardly shocked when her phone rang before 8:00 a.m. that morning. Her heart sank when she saw Elena's number pop up on her screen. That could only mean one thing. If there had been a positive outcome during the discussion with Harry they'd be wrapped in her bed sheets while they shut out the world.

But Chrissy's phone ringing could only mean one thing.

She tapped the answer button,


"Hi." Elena didn't sound like she was crying, but she did sound exhausted, "Can you come over?"

"Yeah. Gimme 30 minutes. Are you alright?"


Chrissy knew better though. Even if Elena wasn't fine she wouldn't have answered that. Chrissy showered and got dressed as quickly as possible. She knocked on Elena's door in exactly 30 minutes.

Elena's eyes were red and puffy, a good indication of how things had gone. Chrissy gathered Elena into her arms,

"What happened?"

Elena backed away from the door, closing and locking it. She turned to walk to the couch with Chrissy,

"He was here when I got home. I think he'd been here the whole time."

Chrissy peeled herself out of her jacket and sat down just as Elena did,

"Was he still angry? Because he didn't seem like he was angry when he was with us at the game."

Elena nodded,

"He was still angry. We both were."

"Oh Elena..."

Elena sniffed,

"And it just spiraled out of control...he yelled at me. I yelled at him. We just crumbled. I don't know what happened. I don't know how we got to that point where we weren't even listening to each other."

Chrissy reached out to take her hand,

"I'm so sorry."

Elena sniffed,

"Suddenly we were wrapped in each other. I couldn't let him go. I didn't want to."

Chrissy raised her eyebrows,

"Did you..."

Elena nodded,

"And it was the most amazing night...we came together like we never have before. I have never felt him the way I did last night."

Chrissy dropped her eyes from Elena's face. She couldn't help but feel every bit of the pain coming off of Elena at the moment. She heard Elena take a breath,

"And then he left...we said goodbye." Elena pointed to the spot right in front of the door, "Right over there...he turned and he walked away."

Chrissy lifted her eyes to look back at Elena,

"I'm so sorry you wanna tell me the rest?"


Elena's entire body felt heavy. She couldn't put together a coherent thought or word. The only thing she felt was pain. Her stomach lurched but she covered her mouth with her hand to keep from throwing up. She felt like her chest was collapsing.

This was wrong. Everything about it felt wrong. She and Harry were not supposed to end like this. They weren't supposed to end at all.

Something so small and insignificant had managed to split them apart and she didn't know why. Sure they had done things quickly but Elena couldn't imagine having done it any differently.

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