Chapter 10

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When Harry awoke the next morning it took him a few seconds to realize where he was. But the moment he felt the heavy weight on his chest, it came flooding back to him. He was with Elena, at her house, in her bed. Her head was currently resting on his right pec, the rest of her body snuggled in close to his side. Her arm was draped over his stomach.

The most incredible feeling of comfort fell over him. Knowing she was there, feeling her warmth...God he could wake up like that every day for the rest of his life and be happy.

He kissed the top of her head, his hand sliding up and down her back when he remembered he had to leave soon. He pulled his wrist up to look at his watch,

"Dammit..." He whispered softly. He looked down at her peacefully sleeping form and sighed, "Baby..." He sung out softly. He squeezed at her hip, "Hey..." He pressed another kiss to the top of her head, "You awake?"

Elena groaned,

"Ugh..." She sputtered out. She cuddled into him tighter and squeezed her arm around his tummy, "Noooooooo..." She whined out.

He smiled,

"I thought I asked you not to let me sleep."

Elena sighed, her breath tickling out over his chest and sending shivers up his spine,

"That would have been a fabulous plan if I had been able to stay awake myself."

His fingers brushed through her hair,

"I have to go in 30 minutes."

Elena didn't respond, simply squeezed him to her and shook her head,

"Can't we...just...pretend nothing exists?"

He nodded,

"Sure we can. We'll stay in this bed forever and only get up to feed ourselves and go to the bathroom-"

"And shower." She pointed out as she looked up at him.

He quirked his brows,

"We can do that together too."

She smiled, stretching her neck up so her mouth could meet his in a sweet, good morning kiss. Both of them let their lips linger against the others before reluctantly pulling away. Elena sat up, Harry doing the same next to her. She glanced around her room,

"I have practice today."

"Car should be here to get me soon."

She looked over at him just as he looked over at her. Their eyes meeting as they both regretfully let go of the fantasy they'd just built together. She leaned over and kissed him, her nails lightly dragging down his throat before she pulled away. She studied his face, memorizing the lines and the expression so when she went to bed that night without him there she could pretend for a moment that maybe he was.

He lifted his lips to her forehead, pressing a soft kiss to her skin before they both stood up from the bed and went about getting ready for the day.


Elena had never clutched onto anything in her life the way she was clutching onto Harry on her front porch. It seemed that 30 minutes had gone by quicker than either of them anticipated it would and before they knew it, the driver was at Elena's front door. Harry handed the driver his bag and then turned to Elena.

She promised herself she wouldn't cry. It would only make things harder. It wouldn't help the situation.

He had to leave. She knew that when he'd shown up at her game. Hell, none of this was supposed to have happened anyway. If things had gone according to plan she'd have woken up alone in her bed with her laptop staring her in the face indicating a disconnected Skype call.

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