Chapter 14

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Harry reluctantly turned his phone back on while he sat on the sidelines of the field waiting for Elena to finish practice. He knew what he was going to be facing and he was proven right when his phone buzzed and sounded to life once it made connection with the cellular network.

He shook his head. Notifications from management, text messages from numbers he didn't know, frantic voicemails from his PR people asking how to handle the shit storm. It was all just...white noise to him at the moment.

He was with Elena. He was in love with her. And if the rest of the world couldn't understand that and accept it then they didn't deserve to hear him speak on it. He quickly texted Jeff back with an answer to every question except the ones about Elena. He did the same with his PR agent, Franny. He answered a few emails, texted his mother, father and Gemma to let them know he was ok and promptly turned his phone off again.

Going off the grid felt good. Going off the grid so he could focus all of his attention on Elena felt better.

He looked up just in time to see her take aim at the goal, plant her foot and send the ball sailing right past the Keeper.

Was it possible to fall in love with someone more and more every day? Was there a threshold he would reach? A quota?

He hoped not. Because this feeling was like nothing he'd ever experienced.


"You said it was a day of firsts."

"This is going too far."

"It's just some nail polish."

"I didn't think when we agreed on this game you'd suggest this though."

Harry laughed while the nail tech finished painting Elena's nails. Manicures were a luxury he enjoyed but one look at Elena's nails and he knew she was not a woman who spent her money on that type of comfort.

She pulled her hand up off the table and inspected the other hand that was already painted a bright red color,

"It looks weird. Right?"

He shook his head,

"No. It looks fine."

She turned her nose up,

"It's weird."

Harry leaned over to kiss the top of her head,

"This was your idea."

She continued to inspect her nails,

"I didn't think you'd be so..." She let her sentence trail off as she searched for the right word.

Harry raised his eyebrows,


Harry burst out laughing,

"Painting your nails is eccentric?"

"It is for me."

"You never got them done for Homecoming or prom?" He asked as his own nail tech rubbed lotion into his hands.

Elena shook her head,

"No. I didn't want to be at either of those dances so prettying up for them seemed a lot more work than I was willing to put in."

"All done." The nail tech announced.

Elena stood up from the chair,

"How long do I have to wait before I touch anything?"


The ride to San Luis Obispo was far too short as far as Elena was concerned. She spent the entire ride with Harry's hand on her thigh while she fantasized about what it would feel like when his hands touched other parts of her skin.

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