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I forgot to add this on the previous recipe but Demonic Spell suddenly become RATED R. I don't really know how it happened but well, maybe somebody found out that it's not applicable for PG-13.

So im gonna ask you guys if you want me to continue writing it in RATED R version.

If yes, the following recipe will be more explicit than before and I'll re-write the previous ones in R version if i got some free time.

If no, I continue how it is and just make the next book the R version.

Oh! and I'm going to use this part to THANK EVERYONE UP for the support you gave in Demonic Spell. 

Writing is one of my hobbies, second only to reading but to know that there are someone out there who appreciate and enjoy my work is a great honor for me.


Demonic Spell (18+)Where stories live. Discover now