I. - Bad Things -

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Song for this chapter:

1. "Bad Things" - Machine Gun Kelly feat. Camila Cabello.


"Are you sure we're in the right place?" Nicomaine asked the second their car stopped in front of the Victorian-themed mansion. Her heart started beating fast, tonight should end with a bang for all of them.

The young girl then stepped out of the car and her black dress along with its gorgeous trail followed her. She looks like a classic Hollywood actress. Her jet black long hair, fair skin, expressive pair of beautiful eyes and luscious red lips, she's just perfection. The young woman took a deep breath and waited for her date to come out of the car.

"You ready?" the tall, muscular guy asked.

"Yes I am, are you?" she asked and he nodded. The two then raised the masks they're carrying and covered their face. One full minute later, they walked in.

Her eyes widened when she saw the intricate interior design of the mansion; the strategically placed chandeliers, the oil paintings that filled the entire length of the hallways, and the classic carpeted floor that she could only see in establishments like hotels. Nicomaine felt like she was brought back in time. The two followed the direction where the music is coming from. The mansion is massive. The two got invited after an invitation was sent to their bake shop. The owner of the mansion is a mystery to everyone, and that prompted Nicomaine to believe that the party tonight will reveal who owns the luxurious property.

"Holy shit." She whispered after they saw the party itself. The masquerade themed party has all the Gatsby vibes. Everyone is either dancing or drinking. Nicomaine also saw a few couples, hetero and homo, making out by the balcony. She then gulped, it's time for them to move.

"I'll see you later." The guy said and moved away from her. Nicomaine on the other hand walked around as well to study the place. She's pretty sure every single person that is here are either businessmen or heirs to their family's will. The young woman then noticed one particular painting that made her stop walking. It was a portrait of a little girl playing underneath a tree. A vision then crossed her mind, she's pretty sure that at some point she drew something like that as well.

"It's a beautiful painting isn't it?" a thick voice asked. Nicomaine swiftly turned around and saw a guy about her age looking at her. He has a perfectly combed hair, an otherworldly attractive face and a model-esque body type. He's wearing a velvet-like black suit and it hugged his body to perfection. He's scorching hot and that immediately caused Nicomaine to panic.

"What?' she asked, mesmerized by him.

"I said it's a beautiful painting. As beautiful as you." He said, gazing directly into her eyes. She felt her cheeks get warm. The young woman looked away for a moment and smiled.

"Creeping on someone huh?" she asked.

"I'm sorry, it's just that you caught my eye the moment you came in." he uttered, making her blush even more.

"You're charming. May I have the amazing pleasure of knowing your name?"

"Richard R. Faulkerson Jr., what's yours?" he asked. His manly voice quickly weakened her knees.

"Nicomaine C. Mendoza, at your service." She replied with a sly smirk on her face.

"Well then Nicomaine, do you wanna go somewhere else?"

"Damn right I do." She answered. He held out his hand and she took it. They smiled at each other before they went upstairs. Nicomaine realized who he is just a few moments after she entered what he said is his room. Richard is the owner.

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