XVIII. - Believer -

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Song for this chapter:

1. Believer - Imagine Dragons


After leaving instructions on what should be done next to Arthur's body; Richard and Nicomaine went out of the hospital to discuss his next move. He wanted to plan his grand revenge alone but at the same time he knew Nicomaine wouldn't miss any of it and that she could help big time.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"The mansion."

"They might still be there waiting for your return."

"Nope ... one of my guys said they went back to their headquarters."

"Great ... Richard ... we can help."

"You, Harry and the rest of your robbery gang?" he asked in a half-sarcastic tone.

"Richard ..."

"I know ... don't worry. I need your help to bring Katherine down and my other enemies. I'll free your group." He said, keeping his eyes on the road. Deep inside, he wanted Harry and the rest to rot in jail. Richard also wanted to kill Nicomaine for playing him and betraying his trust. However, due to his current situation, he realized he needs all the help he could get just to take the enemies down.

After almost an hour of driving in silence, they finally got back to the Faulkerson mansion. Richard got out of the car and walked towards the gate that Katherine and her group destroyed. He looked inside the property and saw the things they trashed.

"Fuckers." He mumbled. Richard then pulled out his phone and called 911 after noticing smoke coming at the back of the mansion.

After making the call, he returned to the car and drove towards the side of the property where their exit from the night before remained open. They drove in and walked towards the front door. Richard gulped after realizing that they trashed everything. The chandelier fell down, things scattered everywhere, wallpapers torn down, his clothes thrown on a pile with other useless things, broke picture frames and many more.

"Oh my god ..." Nicomaine uttered.

"They're going to pay for this .... They're going to pay big time."


Harry closed his eyes and banged his head against the wall for the nth time. Several hours have passed and he still hasn't heard any news about Nicomaine.

The door to his cell then opened and a police officer showed up. Harry opened his eyes and stood up. He held out his wrist and the officer cuffed him. Harry walked outside and saw Nicomaine smiling at him. His heart fluttered. All his worries got washed away. The light of his life survived the night, she's okay.

"Hello." She said when he reached the visitation area. Harry's smile faded when he saw a familiar face standing a couple of feet away from her.

"What is he doing here?" he asked her, pertaining to Richard.

"He's here to offer you a deal."

"No way."

"Harry ..." Nicomaine whispered before adding "This is for your freedom ... I already talked to him about it."

Harry looked at Richard and wondered whether he will do what he said. He then gulped and shifted his eyes back to Nicomaine.

"What about the others?"

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