XI. - The Long Lost Sister -

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Song for this chapter:

1. "Here We Go" - Extreme Music


I'm not Bella, are you alright?

Richard blinked and the sight of the girl he saw died last year faded. It was replaced by yet another familiar face, one that he would rather not see at the moment.

"What are you doing here, sister?' he asked and she smirked. Richard's raven-haired sibling then walked towards him. Her long legs moved gracefully and stopped just two feet away from where he stood.

"Is that how you greet your older sibling? With a disgusting scowl on your not disgusting face?" she asked. Richard rolled his eyes and walked towards the window.

"Dad disowned you a long time ago. You should thank me, really, for still calling you my sister." He uttered and saw her smile through the mirror's reflection. He whirled around and glared at her.

Katherine R. Faulkerson left the mansion ten years ago after their Dad disowned her for loving someone that is not of the same financial level as them, but Richard knew the story ran deeper than what he's been told. He knew that her sister had a plan of killing their parents to inherit their wealth and jet off with her poor boyfriend. Richard saw right through her act and even spied on her. Their Dad found out about it as well and decided to get rid of her before she could do the same to them. She was only 18 at the time, young and brainwashed by a deranged soul. Katherine never recovered and let hatred devour her wholly. Ten years later, she has finally returned. And if Richard's guts are right, she came back to take her rightful place as an heir and kill anyone who will stand in her way.

"You're not gonna stay here for a long time, are you?" he asked, slightly shifting his tone while forming plans to get rid of her in his mind.

"Unfortunately, I am." She replied with a fake frown on her face. Richard gulped; her presence will compromise everything he planned since he met Nicomaine.

"Very well then, sister." He replied and walked away from her. Richard went straight for his room and slammed the door shut behind him.

"This can't be." He whispered and punched the wall so hard, his knuckles started bleeding.


A drop of tear escaped Nicomaine's left eye. She swiftly wiped it away and turned her vision back to what's left of their shop. Two minutes past 4:00 am, she finally fell asleep on the couch of their new place. She and Harry will spend the next couple of weeks at a nearby apartment.

The sun was already spreading its heat when she opened her eyes. Nicomaine sat up and saw Harry drinking coffee while watching the news. What happened to them was just broadcasted and he shot her a concerned look.

"We will leave this town after our mission, you understand?" he asked and she slowly nodded.

Nicomaine then left the couch and walked towards the empty kitchen. She picked the coffee maker up and poured the remaining coffee on her mug. She already knew that the next couple of weeks will be tough for all of them. But she's pretty sure it will be the hardest on Richard. He has a strong yet delicate soul. A pure but dark heart that will seek no mercy once it has realized it was fooled by the very first girl it opened up to.

"Nicomaine, can I ask you something?"

"What is it?"

"Do you think Richard suspects you? You know, with all this scheming shit that we've been doing?" Harry asked and Nicomaine shrugged.

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