VIII. - Way Down We Go -

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Song for this chapter: (listen to it, pls.)

1. "Way Down We Go" - Kaleo


Nicomaine spent the next couple of days trying to discern whether their cause is still worth it or not. There's no doubt in her mind that they will hit jackpot with Richard's wealth. However, their safety might be at risk. When she first saw him, he seemed harmless. Nicomaine thought he was just a mysterious, sexy and super rich young guy. Richard already explained it to her; he spent the past couple of years travelling locally and abroad. And that is the reason why at least 90% of the town people, including Nicomaine and Harry, did not know who he is.

But after she got to know him, things about Richard have drastically changed. Like clear water being injected with ink, it all went dark. The things that Arthur told her Richard have shed light on some of those mysteries. She found out that he's not a good person as well. In fact, he's even worse than them. But Nicomaine believes there's still a chance for him to change who he is.

The door to her right suddenly opened, interrupting her thoughts. Harry then walked in carrying a few papers in his hands.

"What are those?" she asked.

"Some of the papers I grabbed from the Police's files. I really think he had something to do with Bella's death." Harry muttered before he sat next to her. Nicomaine took one of the papers from him; it's her best friend's death certificate.

Bella and Nicomaine had a huge fall out three months before she died. They were the best of friends; but due to a misunderstanding about the direction of their lives and their money, the friendship they built completely fell apart.

The next thing Nicomaine heard about Bella was the news about her sudden death. And since then, the young girl walked around with a huge gaping hole in her heart. She never got to say sorry, she never got to fix things with her.

But because of what Harry discovered, Nicomaine felt like she was given a chance to make things right. She wants to believe that what happened to her once best friend was an accident. But if it's not, Nicomaine will do everything to have her killer put into jail and give Bella the justice she deserves. And then all of a sudden, her phone started ringing.

Nicomaine got up and quickly walked out of the room. She looked at the screen and saw Richard's name flashing all over it. The young lady took a deep breath and answered his call.

"Hello?" she asked.

"What took you so long?" his thick voice thundered from the other end of the line. Maine got surprised by how manly his morning voice is.

"I was doing something. What do you want?" she asked back.

"I am currently in front of what it looks like a coffee shop but there's some pastry on some glass stand. Is this your shop or?" he asked. Nicomaine's heart jumped, she hastily walked towards the window and took a peek to see whether he's outside or not. Her mouth then fell open after she spotted Arthur and his car.

"You're ... You're here?" she asked, feeling the panic ripple all throughout her body.

"That's a positive. Now, where are you?" he asked.

"Come in, I will be there in a minute."


Richard entered Nicomaine and Harry's coffee shop. He looked around and was greeted by the bright yellow motif all throughout. A stark contrast compared to the real identity of the owners. He and Arthur sat on the table by the window. A few moments later, he spotted her rushing down the stairs.

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