XIX. - Ready .... Set .... -

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"I was never dead."

Katherine's heart dropped. She looked at Brendon and saw him grinning. She clenched her fists and demanded an explanation.

Brendon moved forward and started chuckling. Katherine glanced at Viktor, hoping he would be able to explain what was going on. She was about to say something, but then Bella started speaking.

"Just messing with you, I'm not Bella. She's actually dead."

"Then who the hell are you?" Katherine asked.

"Her sister, Beatrice."

Katherine once again turned her eyes to Brendon, searching for more explanation. He cleared his throat and smiled at her. She frowned and glared at him.

"What the hell is she doing here?"

"She wants to kill Richard as well. You see, Bella always introduced herself as an only child. She kept Beatrice a secret from everyone. She protected her from all of us ... I mean, me and the other guys since you've been exiled for how long? Ten years, right? ....but since Richard killed Bella; she's here for some revenge. Am I right or am I right? Beatrice?" he asked before looking at Bella's mysterious sister.

"Yes. Bella was my rock. I'm more than ready to kill Richard."

"You look exactly like her."

"Of course I do. Since she died, I made it a point to follow her style. I wanted to look like her. So when I look at the mirror, I will see her as well and I won't miss her much." She answered. Her blank eyes sent chills down Katherine's spine. She gulped and looked back at Brendon instead.

"Fine, she can come with us. May her presence drive him insane." She said and smiled at them.


Nicomaine quietly slipped out of their headquarters. She spent the night forming another plan of her own. After stealing Harry's car key, she immediately made her way towards the police station. Nicomaine took a deep breath and nervously entered the office.

"Good Morning Ma'am, how can I help you?" one lady officer asked.

"I need to talk to the chief, right away."

"He's still talking someone. What is going on?"

"I don't think I can disclose that information right now. You see, Deputy Lacsina, what I'm going to say is vital in ensuring the security of this town. So please, do your best and have him excused now." She said, trying her best to stay calm and collected.

"What's your name, Ma'am?"

"Deputy Lacsina, it's okay. I know her." The familiar deep yet friendly voice of the sheriff was then heard by the two. Nicomaine turned around and gave him a thankful smile. With a raging mind and a pounding heart, she timidly approached the Sheriff.

"What do you want, Ms. Mendoza? Don't let me catch you doing bad stuff again or I will detain you myself."

"That's not what I came here for. But yes, I am in trouble." She replied.

"What is going on here?"

"I need your help, big time."


Richard was busy organizing some plans when Harry barged in and asked him if he saw Nicomaine. He closed his laptop and moved his head from side to side.

"No, I didn't."

"She stole my keys. My car is gone."

"Maybe she did something."

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