III. - Ache -

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Song for this chapter:

1. "Decode" - Paramore


"You're leaving already?" Richard asked. Nicomaine grinned and slowly nodded at him.

"I have to go." she answered. Her legs are still a bit shaky and her jaw hurts a bit. The best that is situated right in between his legs weakened her body but the pleasure it brought to her made all the pain worth it.

"I'll have Arthur drive you home." he said.

"Thank you." Nicomaine replied. She then put her dress on righ in front of him and looked at the mirror.

"Are you just gonna lay there naked?" she asked.

"I'm still admiring the view." Richard replied with a sly smirk on his face. Nicomaine grinned and looked directly at his half awake cock bulging inside his boxers.

"Are we gonna do this again?" she asked.

"It's up to you."

"We'll see." Nicomaine uttered.

A few minutes later, Richard also got dressed and they left his room. She held his soft hands before the two of them went downstairs. Nicomaine tried to decipher the mystery that surrounds Richard but she couldn't unlock even an inch of it.

She can still see the darkness somewhere in him. It could put her into danger but her desire to know what caused it is much stronger.

"Arthur? Can you please bring Nicomaine home?" she heard him ask the butler.

"Of course."

"You have my number right?" he then asked.

"Of course." she replied. Richard raised her hand and kissed the back of it. She smiled and followed Arthur outside.

Nicomaine gave RJ one last look before she hopped on to the car and was driven away. A few minutes later, she decided to ask Arthur questions about the young lad.

"Arthur, can I ask you something?'

"What is it?"

"What happened to Richard? Why did it take him years before he decided to introduce himself to the public? Why did he lock himself in that mansion?"

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you."

"Try me." she replied, eager to know the truth.

"What is your address Ma'am?" he asked.

"5th street, the one with the yellow roof. Tell me Arthur, what happened to him?"

"I can't tell you."

"Why not?" she asked and Arthur suddenly stopped car. He turned around and looked at her.

"Look, if you still want to live you should stay away from him at all costs." he said, causing her heart to beat fast.

"He's not a killer, what are you talking about?"

"You clearly don't know him."


Richard took a deep breath and entered a personal space he calls the 'Dark Room'. He looked around and saw pictures and other bits of memories he had over the past few years.

He finally tasted Nicomaine and something within has has been awakened. Her touch worked like magic on him. It made Richard remember a lot of supressed memories he had before. He's a young troubled man and she could very well be his cure.

"Nicomaine." he whispered her name and it sounded like music to his ears. He smiled and closed his eyes. Richard tried his best to imagine what happened earlier. The deep kisses, their hungry hands and their naked bodies. He felt the room get hot.

He then took his shirt off and unbuckled the belt of his pants. Her naked body is still clear in his mind. He wants her again, he wants her so bad.

Richard moved his hands lowers and started rubbing his crotch. Flashes of her riding his cock filled his mind. Slowly, he undid his pants and let it fall to the ground. He looked down and saw that his manhood is fully awake. He grinned and started stroking it.


"Are you alright?" Harry's voice disrupted her over thinking. Nicomaine looked up and nodded. He then sat next to her and took a deep breath.

"What happened back at the mansion?" he asked.

"We talked. I noticed a lot of very valuable things. Harry, can I ask you something?"


"You're good at background checks right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"I think we need to do one on Richard." she replied. The tone in rthur's voice sent shivers down her spine.

"Why? I thought he's just plain hot and rich?"

"Yeah he is. But I think he killed someone." she answered, trying to recount that one second he whispered another woman's name.

"Then you should stop pursuing him. He could be dangerous ... well ... more dangerous than us." Harry told her. Maine stood up and started pacing back and forth.


"Why would you even think he killed someone?"

"His butler told me to stay away if I still want to live." she replied tracing the residual of his touch on her arm.

"Then let's stop this."

"We can't." she answered.

"Why? Because you've fallen for him?" Harry snapped.

"No, because I think he needs us."


Later that day, the private investigator that Richard hired has returned to the mansion. He smiled and welcomed him inside his office.

"Sir, I've accumulated all the information you'll need to know about Ms. Nicomaine C. Mendoza." he said. Richard held out his hand and the man gave him the envelope.

"Arthur will give you the payment. You may now go." Richard said and so the investigator left. The young guy then took a deep breath and opened the envelope and started going through files and pictures with her in it.

His mouth then suddenly fell open after he saw one particular picture of her hugging a familiar person. Richard stood up and threw the rest of the envelope against the wall.

"It can't be." he whispered. The young guy then walked towards the scattered stuff and picked up the photo that revealed a heart-wrenching revelation.

Bella and Nicomaine were the best of friends.


that's it for this part guys ^^ so is he a killer or nah? stay tuned :) x

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