X. - Harry -

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Song for this chapter:

1. Wicked Game - Gemma Hayes


Nicomaine quickly got dressed and with the help of Richard, was driven to the nearest hospital to check on Harry. She pushed the front door wide open and almost ran towards the nurse's desk.

"Where is he?" she asked with trembling lips.

"I'm sorry, who?" the nurse asked back. Nicomaine then heard the sound of frantic nurses and Doctors running towards the emergency room. Her ears lit up. She slammed the desk once and ran after them. But then she saw the patient they are working on, and it is not Harry. Disappointed, she turned around and walked back to the lobby. Thoughts invaded her mind, all asking who could have done it.

Then suddenly, the familiar face she's searching for showed up. Standing a couple of feet from Nicomaine is a bruised up, injured and messy haired Harry. He's only wearing a sando and she saw a huge bandage on his back.

"What happened?" she asked, not caring about the fact that Richard is staring at them from the corner. Nicomaine moved closer and examined all the wounds Harry received. He has cuts all over his arms and at the side of his face, his right arm is broken and there's a huge blood mark on the side of his stomach.

"Who did this to you?" she asked and his face remained expressionless. Nicomaine let out a sigh and hugged Harry tightly.

They've are used to situations like this but this one felt different. Nicomaine couldn't explain what it is, but something inside of Harry has crashed. The attack left him damaged, but not in a physical way.

"I don't know who did this." He finally whispered.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there."

"Yeah, you were too busy getting fucked by Richard in a God-knows-where hotel."

Nicomaine felt guilty after he said those words. Harry was right; she's having a good time while he was fighting for his life.

"I'm sorry." She said again.


Richard stood there and still and watched the two. His lips then curved and formed a smile. His sinister eyes studied the wound on Harry's back.

Lucky Bastard

He thought to himself.

A few moments later, Nicomaine and Harry walked towards him. Richard placed his hands inside his pockets and smiled at them.

"Hi, I'm Richard. I'm glad you're okay." He told Harry and then held out his hand. The other guy looked at him for a moment and they did a quick handshake.

"Thanks, my name is Harry." His expressionless face made it hard for Richard to read what he may be thinking. The three of them left and went back to their coffee shop.

Richard saw the amount of damage his hired killer did. The young guy knew Harry would live; he just had to see how strong he is and how he can maneuver his way out of a fight or die situation.

Richard glanced at the mirror and saw Harry looking at him. He smiled sinisterly and looked away.

"Enjoying the view back there?" he asked and he moved forward. The three of them stepped on the broken glass and into the shop. Richard looked everywhere and saw nothing but damaged materials. Bullet holes scattered on walls like tiny stars in the middle of a majestic night sky. The counter is all battered up and there are even holes on the second story flooring.

He looked at Nicomaine and saw that she has her hand over her mouth.

"Oh my gosh." That's all she was able to say. The amount of sadness and disappointment in her voice got him a bit affected. But Richard, being the bad guy that he is, wasn't fully swayed.

He backed off and leaned his head against the wall while the two crossed another yellow police tape that lined the way to the stairs.

Richard pulled his hone out of his hand and dialed a number. He smirked when they went up; he is calculating his next move.

"Hello? Is this Kyle?" he asked.

"Yes." A voice from the other end of the line said.

"Great, I need you to do something."


Nicomaine saw Richard leave a few minutes after some of their mates came. After his car went out of sight, she returned inside the ruined shop and was pulled to the side by Harry. Something's been making her feel uneasy the entire night. But there's one problem, she doesn't know what it is.

"Harry, are you alright?" she asked.

"Yes, but I need to tell you something. We have to wrap things up on Richard and leave the town. It is longer safe for us. Our group has a lot of enemies; God knows he did this to me. We have to leave as soon possible." The panic in his voice caused her to worry even more. Nicomaine let out a sigh, she knew he's right.

They are used to danger, but this one crossed the line. Nicomaine held Harry's hands tightly and raised them up.

"Fine, we will." She said and smiled at him. Nicomaine finally acknowledged the fact that she spent the past few days getting distracted by Richard. Now is the time more than ever for her to remember their cause.

"So, when?"

"Next week, two days after the party."


Richard went home with a smile on his face. Nicomaine filled his thoughts the entire night. He liked the way she presented herself and handled tricky situations. She's growing on him, she is gaining more and more importance and Richard is no longer sure whether he could still keep up with his feelings or not.

"Good Evening, Sir. You have a guest." Arthur told him after he entered the mansion. Confused, Richard asked who it is.

"She's in the study room."

Richard took a deep breath and went to the said area. His eyes widened and his mouth fell at the sight of his visitor.



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