XIV. - Survive The Night - (Part II of II)

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Richard kept his eyes shut and waited for all of it to be over. Images of his parents crossed his mind. A part of him yearned to be with them, like it already accepted death. He waited for the bullet that will finally put an end to his miserable life when suddenly, he heard Nicomaine gasp. Thinking that she got shot, he opened his eyes again and saw Catherine holding her bleeding hand. The gun flew six feet to her side. Richard looked up and noticed Harry by the balcony pointing his gun at her. Everyone was taken by surprise and no one moved. Nicomaine already raised her gun, ready to kill Catherine once and for all. Suddenly, an explosion at the back of the mansion happened and they all ducked as shards of broken glass and fire flew everywhere.

He wrapped his arms around Nicomaine, protecting her from the flying debris. After it subsided, they all sat up again and noticed that Catherine has disappeared.

"Damn it!" he said and got up. Nicomaine did the same. The two young ladies they met scattered, hastily making their way towards the exits. The back of the mansion is already on fire but Richard knew he must go back inside to finish things once and for all. He's going to kill Catherine, Brendon and every single goon that came with them.

"Nicomaine, you have to go. Why is Harry here though?" he asked.

"I don't know and I'm not going." She said fiercely. Knowing that he won't be able to stop her, he took a deep breath and told her to stay safe.

"I will." She answered. They parted ways. Richard jumped over a burning chair and dashed inside the mansion where he killed two armed guys quickly. He took the gun with more ammo and quietly made his way back to the main room where a gut feeling told him that's where Brendon and Catherine were situated.

Tons of thoughts raised in his mind. From why his relatives chose this night to attack up to why Harry was in the party as well. The guy he tried to kill before just saved their lives big time. He then took a deep breath, mustered every ounce of strength left in his body and continued to attack them.


Nicomaine pushed herself against the sea of people coming her way. More than half of the party guests were still trapped in the property because of the blocked exits. Panic and chaos continued to rein the scene. She pushed and pushed until she caught a glimpse of Harry standing behind a wall, waiting for an enemy to cross his path. She let out a massive sigh of relief and thanked him over and over again.

"I didn't kill her, you shouldn't thank me yet."

"Oh come on, Harry. Loosen up." She replied. Nicomaine tore a bit of her dress to provide more space for movement. She took a deep breath and charged at their enemies. Within five minutes, she was able to gun down three guys who were too busy scaring the guests than do their evil jobs.

One fact about Nicomaine that not many people know about is that she's a sharp shooter. After killing the three guys, she calmly moved on. Nicomaine silently made her way deeper into the mansion. More gunshots and screaming continued in her background. Her heart pounded against her chest. She took a turn and saw Richard engaged in a gun fight with Brendon. Nicomaine retreated and raised her gun, ready to join them.

Suddenly, a door to her side opened and a guy went out. She pointed her gun at him but he already fired. Nicomaine dived out of the way and fired back. His bullet grazed her arm but her bullet landed right in between his eyes. The guy toppled over and landed on the cold marble floor. Nicomaine grunted, sat up and rested her back against the wall. Her wound started bleeding.

"Shit." She whispered and tore a piece of her dress so she could wrap it around her wound. Nicomaine winced and cursed. But after securing her arm, she already felt a bit better. Police sirens were then heard. Brendon yelled something at Richard and quickly left. She heard frantic footsteps all over the mansion. Nicomaine stood up and got noticed by Richard.

"Hey!" he yelled and ran towards her. Nicomaine fixed her messy hair and managed to smile at him.

"Are you alright? What happened to your arm?" he asked, clearly concerned.

"I'll explain it all later. We have to go." She replied. The two made their way out of the mansion just as the police pulled up on the driveway. The cars blocking the exit quickly made their escape at the first wail of the sirens. Most of the guests escaped the property and gathered on the street.

Richard held Nicomaine's hand right before they blended in with the crowd. They were about to reach the gate when he turned her around and kissed her hard on the mouth. The taste of his lips washed the wave of fear that washed over her body. The pain left her wound. With him, she finally felt safe.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He said after pulling away.

"The feeling is definitely mutual." She replied and kissed him once again. The two walked towards the street. He wrapped his arms around her and they watched as the police started scattering all over the mansion's property. Nicomaine tried to look for Harry but the amount of people walking around prevented her from doing so.


"That stupid Nicomaine!" Brendon bellowed after joining Catherine inside a black limo. She was still tending to her gunshot wound. Her eyes blazed with hatred.

"She's not that stupid, Brendon. She was able to kill a couple of our men. I think we should go to Plan B." she replied, trying her best to sound as confident as possible.

"But we don't have a plan B." Brendon argued.

"I do. We're going to kill Nicomaine first."


uh-oh , be ready na. 6 chapters left :)

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