XII. - Warning -

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The past few days were spent with Nicomaine and Harry relaying the grand plan to their men. The morning of the party has arrived and their anxiety level has already gone through the roof. Nicomaine kept on pacing back & forth, trying to convince herself that Harry can pull off his plan for the party. Her partner will do his usual work, targeting lonely women. The rest of the group will be on standby and lookout for any unfortunate soul that they can rob off.

"Are you ready?"

She turned around and saw Harry standing at the end of the hallway wearing his best tux. She smiled at the sight of him. He looked dashing, way less dangerous that he actually is. Harry smiled back at her and placed his hands right over his waist.

"You look perfect." She said, ignoring his question.

"Thanks." He replied and smiled at her.

Nicomaine then proceeded to study Harry's face for a moment. She then smiled once more and gave him a hug.

"Thank you."

"For what?" he asked.

"For everything. I'm sorry as well ... you know ... for not feeling the same." She said, pertaining to the time Harry admitted his feelings toward her and she had to turn him down.

"It's okay." He said in a reassuring tone. Nicomaine released him and asked if their guys are ready.

"I bet they are. You should get going as well. The dress is at his mansion right?" Harry asked and she nodded.

"Do you want me to drive you there?"

"No need. I'll meet Arthur in front of the bookstore right on the opposite street. I'll take care of myself, don't worry."

"Okay but still, take care."

"I will."


The clock already displayed the 10:25 am time when Richard heard the sound of his limousine's engine pulling up on the driveway. He smiled, got up from his chair and peered through the window.

"Sir, they're here." One of the maids informed him.

"I know." He answered and heard the sound of footsteps. A few minutes later, she knocked on his door. Richard took a deep breath, opened it and welcomed her in.

"Good morning." She greeted.

"Good morning as well." He replied. Nicomaine then turned and kissed him on the cheek.

"How are you, Nicomaine?"

"Good, hungry though." She replied and giggled a bit. Richard smiled and opened the door once again.

"Do you want anything?" he asked her.

"Surprise me." she answered and he closed the door. The smile on Richard's face faded, he must make sure Nicomaine will be safe while Catherine's around. He marched all the way to his sister's room and knocked several times. When it didn't open, he felt a bit relieved.

Richard then left and walked straight towards Arthur. He cleared his throat and called his butler's name.

"Sir, how may I help you?"

"I want you to keep a close eye on Catherine. Where's that bitch anyway?"

"I don't know. I haven't seen her all morning."

"This can't be good." He mumbled and went straight to the kitchen to get Nicomaine some food.


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