II. - Corrupted -

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Song for this chapter:

1. "Haunted" - Beyonce

Warning: SPG content.


Richard opened his eyes and realized he's in a dark room. He sat up and was quickly greeted by the faint smell of lilac. The rain is pouring down hard and the lightning that came along with it started flashing the room. Richard doesn't recognize the place and that made him think that he may just be dreaming. Then suddenly, he heard the wooden floor creaking. He turned his eyes towards the door and saw that it slowly opened. The screeching of the rusted hinges against the thick decade old wooden wall caused his heart to beat fast.

He saw the silhouette of a woman enter the room. As soon as she passed by a window and her face got lit up by the flashes of lightning outside, Richard stood up. It's Nicomaine, and she's walking straight towards him.

"Nicomaine? What are you doing here?"

"I came here for you." She replied before smiling coyly at him. Richard examined her face, something has changed but he could not figure out what it is. She took his hands and placed them on her hips.

"Kiss me." She whispered. Without even thinking about it, he leaned and planted his lips on hers. Electricity shot up his body and his heart fluttered. Her lips are soft, sweet and sumptuous. After he felt his insides got warm, Richard let her go.

Suddenly, a tornado came in and wrecked half of the room they're in. He held on to the bed's footboard and tried to reach for her. But he's too late, she already got sucked up.

Richard screamed, and that prompted him to wake up from the nightmare that he was in. He opened his eyes and quickly rolled out of his bed. He looked around and saw that he is now in his own room. The light crept in and highlighted the white motif of his personal space. Richard let out a sigh of relief, what he had was a weird but beautiful nightmare.


Nicomaine and Harry spent the next few days searching the nearby towns for possible new targets. But even if so, she still has her mind set on coming back to the Faulkerson mansion. There was something about Richard that made her curious. She wanted to see him again, see him, kiss him and consume him. He's a broken soul, and she might just be the only person who can fix him.

The young girl knew that in one way or another, he is internally disturbed. She sensed darkness in him, but it's the good kind. She's always been into danger and thrill. Harry gave her that but the mystery that still surrounds Richard could catapult her heart into a whole new level. She wants him, she wants him bad.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked.


"You're going back to the mansion later?"

"Yup." She replied before they got on to his car. Nicomaine smirked at him and they drove away.

"Remember ... no sex." Harry reminded her.


"Because that's rude and inappropriate." He answered before taking a turn towards their bakeshop.

"You do know that we're not in a relationship, right?" Maine asked.

"Yes, but we fucked around a couple times. You're mine."

"No Harry, you don't own me. I belong solely to myself." She replied. Her husky voice trailed off into the cold breeze of wind.

Later that day, Nicomaine prepared herself for the official start of their plan. She's going to draw Richard close to her and once he reached the position where he's vulnerable, Nicomaine will rob him.

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