XV. - Plans -

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"Sir, are you alright? I heard what happened." Arthur asked the second Richard made it back to the mansion. He nodded grimly and walked towards the staircase.

"Sir, what about Ms. Nicomaine? Is she okay?"

"Yes she is." Richard answered and started walking up to his room. The night wore him down. He felt tired, exhausted and emotionally drained. But since Katherine already started her plan, he must muster every ounce of strength left in his body to form a counterattack.

"Is it still safe for you to be here though?"

"I think so. I mean, Katherine won't be back here tonight. I'm sure of that. Not after the bitch exposed herself." He answered and glanced at his phone, hoping for a call.

"Sir, what are we gonna do now? "

"We need to make a plan on how to put an end to Katherine's insanity. Even if it means I have to kill my own sister." Richard answered and looked out of the window.

"Sir, what about your situation with Nicomaine?"

"What do you mean, Arthur?"

"Don't you think it's time settle it once and for all?"

"You're actually right, time to stop playing with my food."


Nicomaine successfully made her way back to the apartment. She locked the door behind her and walked towards the living room.

"Thanks for saving us." She told Harry. He smiled and then turned the television on.

"Just so you know, I did that for you. Not for Richard."

"Yeah, but still, you saved us."

"Well, that's Harry for you. He saves people." He answered and gave her a smile. Nicomaine then noticed a cut on his cheek. She immediately walked towards the bathroom and took the first aid kit out of the cabinet. Nicomaine then sat next to Harry and started cleaning his wounds.

"I think we should talk to the group."

"Why?" Nicomaine asked.

"We need to execute our plan as soon as possible, Nicomaine. We can't delay this anymore. Please."

Nicomaine took a deep breath and looked away. She spent the last few weeks doing her best to delay their plan. But since she already ran out of the time, Nicomaine decided to give in.


"When?" Harry asked.

"Tomorrow night. Richard said he'll be out tomorrow night. We can do it."

"Thanks, Nicomaine. Glad you're still on our side."


Richard spent most of the night contacting as many people as he can. For the first time in a long time, he felt scared of what Katherine can do.

The door to his room then opened and Arthur came in. He placed a tray filled with breakfast goods right on top of his table. Richard grabbed the mug of coffee and started drinking from it.

"Sir, are you sure you still want to continue your plan for Ms. Nicomaine?"


"Sir, but she and Mr. Harry saved your life."

"Yes they did. But we can't forget the main reason why she and that Harry dude came in the first place. They're going to use me, Arthur. They're going to rob me."

"I understand, sir." Arthur replied. Richard breathed out a sigh and took a moment to collect his thoughts.



"Thank you for everything."

Arthur smiled and nodded grimly. Richard took a deep breath and looked out of the window. He could feel it in the air, the stench of death.


The next day, Nicomaine and Harry went straight to their warehouse so they could discuss the grand plan. She took this moment to spill every ounce of knowledge she has about the mansion. Nicomaine felt guilty but at the same time she knew most of her group members depend on it for their living.

After discussing their plan, they all parted ways to get ready. Nicomaine smiled at Harry and sat on the nearest chair.

"You did the right thing." He whispered.

"It doesn't feel like it's the right thing." She mumbled and looked away.

"To us, it is. We can finally leave this town after tonight."

"Yeah, whatever." She replied and walked away from him. Nicomaine stepped out of the warehouse and noticed a man in matching black hoodie and black pants looking at her from the entrance of the compound. Her heart started pounding fast. She pulled out a gun from her side pocket and called the intruder.

"Hey!" she yelled but the guy started running away. Nicomaine raised her gun and started shooting at him. But due to the distance and the guy's movement, she was unable to get a shot.

"Fuck it." Nicomaine muttered to herself and ran after the guy. The second she reached the entrance of the compound, a black car came in her view. The vehicle turned and changed direction. It went straight for her.

Her eyes widened. She tried to run back but she won't have enough time. Nicomaine jumped to the side just in time. The car made one more turn and sped away, leaving a clearly shaken Nicomaine behind.


She looked behind her and saw Harry running as fast as he could. Nicomaine took a deep breath and got up.

"Are you alright?" he asked.


"Who's that?"

"I think Katherine sent that. Harry, we need to be extra careful."

"We will."


"Did you scare her?" Katherine asked Brendon the minute he entered the door. Her cousin nodded and smiled.

"You should have seen the look on her face."

"Don't worry Brendon, I'm going to kill that bitch myself."

"Can you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You shouldn't underestimate Nicomaine. I talked to one of our guys last night; he told me everything I need about her. Nicomaine's way too dangerous for us."

"Oh please, Brendon. It's not like she's a superhuman or something."

"She has the skills Katherine. Never underestimate her."

"Oh, we'll see."


Nicomaine, Harry and the rest of their group arrived at the mansion 10 minutes before midnight. All the lights were closed except the one on the maid's house.

"Well, this is quite easy." Harry whispered.

"Hopefully." Maine said before looking at their mates.

"Are you guys ready?"

They all nodded.

"Alright, let's go."


stay tuned for more :) last 5 chaps

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