Chapter 2 ( REVISED )

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"so, it looks like there's only you and me now." he said mischievously. What is he saying?

"do i have a choice?" i said coldly. I started walking to somewhere i don't know

"Hey (y/n) the advanced class is this way!" he said with a smirk. Yeah right!, i told you I'm a newbie here!

"yeah!, coming!" i replied.. >__< . USUI NO AHO KA!..

[A/N: Usui no aho ka means Usui's so stupid]

i followed him and i don't know where we heading!. We are now walking to a super duper quiet corridors..

"USUI-BAKA!, where are we going?" i asked angrily. seriously? where are we going? does the advanced classes really this obedient and very silent?

[A/n: Baka means Idiot]

Usui stopped at walking. "why did you stopped?, seriously? where are we heading?" i asked. he turn and looked at me.

"we're literally alone." he said mischievously. traping me with his muscular arms through the wall.

"w-what are y-you doing?" what is he thinking?

"come on, you know what I'm doing" This perverted needs to be vanish!

"seriously, could you plea-" i didn't finished i was saying because i just felt his lips pressing into mine. >///<

he directly released the kiss "How was that?" he asked normally.

"USUI!! Why the heck did you do that?!" i was about to punch him but he held my right hand.

"that's what we called a seal." he said glaring at me

why is he angry?! i was supposed to be angry because he stole my first kiss!! "Seal?" why the heck does the seal get into the conversation?

"because you already knew my secret!" secret? what secret is he saying?

"What secret are you saying BAKA!" i glared back

"the reason why i transfer here was supposed to be a secret!" ehh? why is he keeping it as a secret to me? when I'm his reason?

"i literally don't get you, you perverted monster! you stole my fir-" i felt his lips again pressing into mine, but this one's different, he's starting to move his soft lips and then he released immediately..

"you need to keep it as a secret to Misa-chan that i kissed you, thats why i sealed your lips again. and we're just fair though," he leaned to my left ear before continuing "because, it was my first kiss too" he said. He grabbed my hand and start walking through the real advanced class building.


How was is Mina?

I hope you enjoy it!


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