Chapter 13 - P-pregnant?!?!

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(Y/n)'s POV:

When I woke up I really felt dizzy and I got the urge to vomit, I run directly through the my bathroom and vomit through the toilet, "ugh! What's happening to me?" I said

Then something snapped me 'am I pregnant? But who's the father?, d-dont tell me...' I thought to my self as I run downstairs to see if Usui is there, and he is reading newspaper in the living room..

"U-usui? C-can I a-ask y-you something?" I approached Usui, I can feel my cheeks

"Your already asking" he said as he looks at me

"Y-yeah.." I mumbled

"Fired it up!" He said and continued reading the newspaper

"D-did s-something happened between us l-last night?" I asked

"Huh?, what do you mean?" He said and looked at me in confused look

"W-well" there this goes again, I ran through the toilet and vomits, Usui got worried and followed me

"H-hey! Are you alright?" Usui asked in worrying tone

"I think....i think," I said

"You think what?!" Usui yelled

"I THINK IM PREGNANT!!!" I shouted I heard some of our staff gasped

Usui just chuckled "tss, that's impossible" he said

"Don't make fun of me!, I just said 'I Think'!!" I said

"Gon?, could you get me my phone?" Usui commanded one of our maids

"Yes sir!" Gon directly get Usui's phone and gave it to him

Usui took the phone and called someone "Hello?.......oh, is Doctor Suzuna there?.......can you sent her here immedietely?.......yes yes, its alright.... Okey bye" so his speaking through Doctor Suzuna's assistant

"Doctor Suzuna will be here in an hour, come here!" He said as he gestured his hand, I came near to him and he pulled me close

"You can not be pregnant, at least not yet! Were still not married!, I still didn't do anything to you, you know?" He said hugging me

I felt my face burn "what if you really did something to me?, what if I'm really pregnant?!" I exclaimed

"Tss.. I'll make sure that your not, unless you did something with some other guy.." He said, I slapped him and walked away but his arms stopped me "I'm just kidding come here" he added and pulled me into a hug

"I'm hungry I want to eat, let me go now" I said

"Okey, in one condition.." He said and smirked

"What now?!" I exclaimed

"I'll feed you" he said

"Ehh!! No wayyy!!" I protested

"Okey then, I won't let you eat" he protested and tighten his hug

"But sir maybe she really is pregnant? The baby would die" Gon inserted

"Alright you can eat, but before that." He paused and pointed his lips "where's my morning kiss?" He continued

"Tch! Idiot!" I walked to the kitchen and eat

After an hour Doctor Suzuna arrived and checked me up, and it turned out that I'm just lactus intolerant, and I'm not pregnant! Eeekk! So embarrassing!

"So oji-sama's milk it is, he gave me a bottle of milk last three days" I said

"Haha see I told you you aren't pregnant!" Usui said chuckling

"Tss.. Yeah right!" I said and pouted

Hehehe sorry if its corny! I know its really corny, but I swear to god that I worked hard on it just to make it not too corny but I think it turned out really corny hahaxD

How was it Mina?

Hope you like it!


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