Chapter 7 - SleepOver At Takumi's Residence PART 3

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i was trapped by Usui with his strong strong arms and legs.. my heart is racing, i dont know what to do, Instead i just closed my eyes.

he released the kiss, but i was still closing my eyes. This is it!. Lord please forgive all of my sins. Im Going to die now!!

i heard him chuckled, so i opened my eyes.

"you really think I'm going to 'DO IT' with you, dont you?" he stated as he laughed " you should see your face in there hahaha" he added

"e-eh?" i was stunned of what he just said, phew i thought I'm going to die. he then released me from his grasps.

"haha i just wanted you to put this bandaid to my head hahaha dont assume so much (y/n)-chan" he said as he chuckled

"w-w-what a-about the k-kiss?, why did y-you k-kissed me?" i stuttered, my face feels hot and i could feel that i was blushing hard.

"hmm?" he paused a little after he opened his mouth again to talk "well, i just wanted to see your reaction if i do something crazy to you after we got married!" he said while the last word was so soft i can barely hear

"Eh? what?" i asked him

"no nothing" he said handing me the bandaid, i putted the bandaid where there is a scratch from my shoe, after putting it. i directly ran through the door and opened it " i gotta go bye!" i said, and gave him a slight salute

Phew!. i thought im gonna die inside his room. When i arrived in front of Misa-chan's room,she was already sleeping peacefully in her bed, i lay down to my comforter and closed my eyes to sleep.

when i woke up, i looked my phone and it was already 9:38 AM, its Saturday today so we dont have any classes, when i got up to my comforter  i saw no one laying on the bed but a letter,


sorry i cant be with you today or maybe
in a few days, because Vice-president Yukimura
called me, we're having a Student Council Camping,
i'm writing this letter in a letter because probably
we're forbidden to use cellphones during the camping,
By the way, Usui-nii said he will take care of you! hehe

see you in a few days!,


Damn!, she's leaving me to his perverted brother!. i got out of the room still wearing my (Color) striped pajamas, i yawned and stretched my arms. not noticing Usui is leaning beside the door way

"oh i see!, you had a great sleep last night" Usui said,

"SHOOT! you gave me a heart attack! Usui!" i said as i jumped

"oh sorry, did i scare you?" he asked annoyingly

" No!, you didnt!" i exclaimed sarcastically

"your so adorable with your (color) striped pajamas" he said as he chuckled

"what ever!, what are you doing here?" i asked,

"this is my house why shouldn't i be here?" he stated

"i know!, what i mean is what are you doing in front of misa-chan's room?" i asked again as i gave him a glare

"oh!, our fathers are waiting for us in my Dad's office." he said as he pointed a door

what is daddy doing here?, damn it! " wait ill change" i said, as i stepped in at the room but Usui grabbed my hand and ran "theres no time!, come on!"


hehehe, thats the longest that i wrote this time, i think?, hehe

comment down, what do you think about the story hihihi, ill be happy to read your comments!

stay tuned for the next chappie<3
hope you enjoyed it!


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